Finally [Killer x Nightmare/ Killermare]

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Requested by: SmolPotatoUnicorn


"Nightmare, I'm back!" Killer yelled stepping through the portal, which closed after a moment. He looked around the living room where he had landed, but the goopy skeleton wasn't there. He shrugged and started walking upstairs, being almost sure that Nightmare will be in his room.

Only thinking about him made Killer feel warm and fuzzy inside. They have had started dating only recently, but the thought always made him feel over the moon. Truth being told, he had the biggest crush on him for a long time, however he never said that directly, not believing that Nightmare would feel the same, but he tried to leave some hints, just in case the other actually returned his feelings. Well he did, and after confessing, Killer couldn't contain his happiness.

He hummed at the pleasant memory.

When he was finally in front of his boyfriend's room, he took a breath and knocked slowly.

The response was almost immediate. "Come in."

Killer then proceeded inside. Nightmare was sitting in a chair in front of his desk, per usual. He flushed when the black skeleton gave him a small smile as a greeting.

He stood up and went closer to Killer. He planted a kiss on his cheek and then on his forehead, making him squeal internally.

"Did everything went well?" He asked as he put one of his arms and all tentacles around him.

"Yeah." Killer sighed, gratefully cuddling to the other's chest.

Nightmare hummed in content as he put his chin on Killer's head. He was glad to hear that.

When a long time ago he recruited the white skeleton, he didn't care for him almost at all, he was only there so Nightmare didn't have to do much himself and to cause some chaos with him, sometimes just helping with chores or other stuff. Basically, he was useful for many things, thought to this day Nightmare asks himself if he also did that because he felt lonely...It was in the past, so it would be hard to find the real answer, but either way he was glad he did that.

He brought Killer closer to himself, feeling thankful for having him in his life. He felt kind of bad for still sending him on some missions, thought not as much as before, but Killer told him it was alright. Often they would go together, but today Nightmare needed to take care of some paperwork, so he sent his boyfriend to cause chaos and negativity on his own.

While he was deep in his thoughts, Killer snuggled as close to possible to him. The hug was unusually long, but he didn't mind one bit, besides he didn't want to bother the other, who apparently was thinking about something. Fortunately it must have been something good, because he still had a small smile on his face. It made Killer extremely happy to be honest. He was only now getting used to him smiling around him, as well as many other things.

"I love you Killer." Nightmare whispered suddenly.

Killer looked up and saw a cyan tint on other's face. To say that he was happy right now would be an understatement.

"Love you too, Nighty."

Nightmare cupped his cheeks and slowly, but passionately kissed him. Killer who didn't expect that melted into the kiss, standing on his tippy toes and returning the gesture. After a moment they both parted, their hands never leaving each other's bodies.

Killer once again hugged him tightly, ecstatic from the display of affection. Speaking of which, after that and after his mission, he was really up for some more quiet time together.

"Hey Nightmare." He started slowly. "Can we cud-." He stopped in mid-sentence when his gaze wandered on the desk and he saw the pile of papers laying there. His face immediately turned into a frown.

When he paused, Nightmare raised a brow questioningly. "Yeah Killer? What is it?"

"Umm, well I was about to ask if we could c-cuddle, but I see that you are quite busy..."

Nightmare turned his head around to see what Killer was hinting at. Apparently he was looking at his dask and the papers...ah.

"Oh no, don't worry about that." He chuckled. "I actually finished those. That's why I sent you on that mission actually."

Killer's mouth opened in surprise. Oh. That made sense.

"So um, can we?" He asked with a bit more confidence.

Nightmare just nodded at him. "Sure, I could definitely use some relax and you too I presume?"

"Mhm." Well, it was that and the fact that he just wanted affection.

Nightmare lowered his hand to intertwine it with Killer's, deciding if they should lay on his bed or maybe on the couch. He quickly settled for the bed, the couch was good if they were watching a movie or eventually doing something else, like for example waiting for a cake to bake in the oven. They weren't doing anything like that now, so he led Killer to the bed.

He let go of his hand for now and laid down making himself comfortable and then patted the place close to him. Killer didn't have to be told twice and quickly made his way next to Nightmare, who then proceeded to wrap all he had around him, making him chuckle in delight. He tried to hug him as much as possible too, thought to be honest it was kind of hard, when both hands and all tentacles were around him. He definitely didn't mind it though.

Nightmare once again kissed his forehead, lazily stroking his back.

While his strong emotions of overenjoyment started to fade a little and Killer was able to properly relax, he let himself be flooded by the happiness of being near Nightmare and the feeling of love. He smiled as his face grew warmer. He finally had what he longed for so long and hoped it would never end.

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