You belong with me [Dream x Killer/Driller]

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The requester: TheArtBlockItself


The front door of a small house creaked, revealing a figure which was standing outside. Killer came inside closing them behind himself, not to let too much of the cold wind inside.

"Killer, there you are. I was worried." Dream suddenly appeared before him. Truthfully to his words he had a concerned expression on his face.

Killer's eyes widened for a while. Had he actually really forgot to tell him that he was going out for a walk? He couldn't remember, so apparently it was true.

"Sorry, it seems like I forgot, didn't mean to." He muttered under his breath, not looking at his partner, which confused Dream. Usually he was much more open, at least with him. Was he mad at him? Has he done something? He couldn't recall anything like that and contrary to his friend - Ink - he had a really good memory. He was sure he would have remembered, unless he did it unknowingly. That was possible.

He decided to address the matter. "Are you okay?" He started carefully.

"...Yeah." Killer answered trying to sound confident, but still avoiding his gaze.

"Dear, you know that you can tell me, right?" The positive guardian assured and came closer to him, putting his hands on his shoulders and smiling softly.

Killer sighed, but didn't not to steer clear of the subject anymore. He had tried to fight his thoughts on his own, but it didn't seem to work. Lately he has started being unsure about his relationship with Dream. Not that he stopped loving him, if anything it was the contrary. No, it was easy to love his boyfriend, he couldn't hide his adoration for him if he tried. However, he was sure that he could be loved by anyone, so why did he decide to be Killer's boyfriend? He couldn't understand that. There were so many better monsters out there. And what was he? A mere murderer. Dream was good and he was not.

That's why he decided to go on a walk before. He had finally reached the point when he needed to clear his mind, or at least that was what he was hoping for. Unfortunately the opposite happened. Having a lot of time for himself he became more uncertain. He didn't want to believe in it, but everything told him that they didn't belong together.

"I...I don't think be should be together..." Understandably Dream opened his mouth to say something, but Killer cut him off. "It's not that I don't want to be with you. It's just...I have been thinking and I came to a conclusion that you deserve better, someone else than me, anyone else..." He finished with a gloomy face. After a while of prolonged silence, he finally looked at the other.

To his utter surprise his boyfriend started laughing. He looked bewildered. So he was right after all...?

Seeing his expression Dream brought himself to a halt. "No no no, I'm so sorry, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just, why did you think that I would want to have anyone else as a lover? Of course I want you. Someone better? You are the best person I know and the only one I want to be with. I apologize, I truly didn't mean to laugh. But the thought of being with someone else than you is just so ridiculous."

Killer was a bit relieved, but still had his doubts. "But I am...a bad person. I killed everyone in my AU. And you're so good, even now you worry about me, despite everything. How could you possibly love me?"

Dream looked at him for a while, finally getting an answer that made him understand his doubts. So that's why. He shook his head and quickly snatched the other skeleton into a tight embrace.

"Oh Killer, you're not a bad person. I admit, when I didn't know your part of the story, I thought that you just killed for your own pleasure, but you told me everything and I understood. You didn't kill even one monster, because you wanted to. You did it because you had to, you were deep in insanity, feelings of anger, sadness and mostly helplessness. I couldn't imagine how hard it must have been if I tried. You had no choice and so how could you ever be evil? I truly love you, you know?"

Killer stood still in the embrace during the speech, but finally hugged back and hid his face in Dream's chest. His shallow, fast breathing gradually returning back to normal.

"I swear that I'm telling the truth, do you believe me?" Dream asked, holding him close. He wanted to make sure that he succeeded in reassuring him.

"Yeah, I do. Thank you." Killer looked up at him, finally giving him a true smile.

Seeing that, the gold-clothed skeleton brightened up as well. He picked up his shorter boyfriend, making him squeak in surprise and grab onto him, preventing himself from falling down, even if he logically knew that Dream would never do it. The said skeleton chuckled at that and held him tighter, walking in the direction of their living room's couch. He sat down, placing Killer in his lap, not stopping hugging him close to himself, soothing him with his positive aura. He wanted to make him feel as loved as never before, feeling a tad of guilt. He should have known that Killer's past wouldn't just stop hunting him, but what he knew for sure, was that it was better now. That's what mattered.

"I love you dearest. Don't ever think otherwise, okay? No matter what. If something is bothering you, you can always tell me. I promise to help you, because you deserve it. You don't have to hide anything from me. I love you and I'm sure that you belong with me." He whispered to him, giving him  sweet, little kisses all over the face, making Killer let out a quiet, uncharacteristic giggle. Dream looked at him in surprise, before they both blushed. "You're so cute, how could I not want to be with you."

"I...thank you. You're the best." Killer hid his smiling face in Dream's chest. He was suddenly so overwhelmed with happiness, especially compared to his earlier sadness and doubts, that he didn't know what to do with it, so he just got himself comfortable in his lover's hold.

They stayed like that for a while, basking in the positive feelings emitting from both of them.

"Hey, let's do something together tonight. I will go and make us some special dinner and maybe some tea if you want to?" Dream proposed and the skeleton on his lap nodded happily. "And then we can watch a movie and cuddle, or do whatever you want."

"Hmmm, sounds good." Killer answered contently.

"Great, now just...let me go." Killer was still holding onto him tightly, but after a while released him, keeping in mind these cuddles.

Dream also reluctantly got up and walked into the kitchen, but not before giving his lover one more smile, which the other returned. He observed Dream leaving the room, with a bright blush on his face. He  just felt so lucky.

"Damn, I love him so much it should be considered unhealthy."

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