Lazy day [Bad Sanses + Lust]

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Requested by Karta3. There you go, a nearly 4k words long one shot, because that's what these lovelies deserve.

(To everyone) Also please remeber that they are all friends in this chapter. Not stopping anybody from shipping, but they're not a ship in this case.


Nightmare grumbled, as annoying sunrays invaded his room through the window. He was slowly waking up, for once without a sense of urgency.

He and his crew have had a really rough time recently, so after not so much debating, they unanimously decided that a day off was in order. And of course it wouldn't be a lazy day, without sleeping exceedingly long. Nightmare himself woke up at 8, force of habit, but after seeing the time, he just turned onto his other side and almost immediately feel back asleep. Right now it was just before noon, so he finally decided to get up and change into his casual clothes.

Normally after that he would go and wake up the others, but not that day. Today they were able to sleep as long as they wanted, so he just directed down the stairs, into the big living room. The sight that greeted him was strange, but not exactly unexpected.

Killer and Lust were laying on the opposite ends of the couch, with legs in the air and their slippers-covered feet touching. Between them, under the 'leg roof' was Dust, all sprawled out. Oh, and they were all in their pajamas.

"Sup Night." Killer greeted, not looking at him.

In front of the three was running a cartoon, but none of them seemed to pay any attention to it. Killer was on his phone, while Lust was looking at the ceiling, but did give a little wave towards Nightmare. Dust was the only one who was actually looking in the general direction of the TV, but one glance at him and anyone could tell that he was currently daydreaming.

"How long have you three been here?"

"Around five minutes maybe." This time Lust was the one to give the answer, but he at least turned to look at the newcomer.

"What about the others? Have they woken up yet?"

The trio, even Dust, just shrugged. Nightmare hummed and turned around. He was going to check on them, just to be sure.

Firstly he appeared in Cross' room, where he was greeted with a rather comical sight. The place's resident, actually dressed, was halfway laying on his bed and halfway on the floor.

"Nngh, Nightmare?" The said skeleton didn't expect him to be awake, so he got startled a little.

"It's me. How did you end up like this?" He gestured vaguely.

"Oh, right." Cross yawned and slowly got up from his awkward position. "Well... I woke up and got dressed, but then I realized that we have a day off, so I kind of just collapsed back and landed like that."

Nightmare just shook his skull, both amused and surprised.

"Right. Anyway you don't have to get up yet, I was just checking-."

"Nah, it's alright. I'll head put to the bathroom now." Suprisingly, Cross felt a pat on his head and after turning his skull, the other gave him a little nod. He smiled in appreciation, but before he could leave his room, Nightmare added one more thing.

"Cross, don't work out today, give yourself a break, ok?" The guardian truly did appreciate his dedication to exercising almost every day. Not only was he the only one to regularly improve his strength, but he was also doing it really early, while others were still soundly asleep. Sometimes he woke up even before Nightmare. Then again he did use to be a royal guard. Today however was all about lazying around.

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