Oh boy smooching time [Nightmare x Lust/Lustmare]

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For Creator_Ash.

Also, I just wanted to say that I think that I will actually start closing requests from time to time. At first I liked having lots of them, but now I feel a bit overwhelmed. More will be in the first chapter if you're curious.


Nightmare and Lust's relationship was progressing slowly, but steadily. Perhaps surprisingly, since the latter was a rather affectionate skeleton. Nightmare however was not. At least not at first, with his whole negativity thing and tough guy persona.

Today however was a pretty damn special day. Their one year anniversary. Yeah, he actually made effort to remember the date.

"Lust?" He asked softly after getting inside his beloved's room, only to see him still laying on the bed, but awake.

"Nighty? What is it?" Lust asked groggily, but visibly perked up at the sight of Nightmare, who then came closer.

He put a tray full of food on the bed, still using his tentacles to make sure that it wouldn't fall.

"Happy one year."

At that any sight of sleepiness almost completely disappeared from Lust's face, replaced by surprised happiness.

"You... made me a breakfast in bed?" He smiled at the other, internally squashing the need to answer '...I'm 27.'

"Yeah." Nightmare shrugged casually, but then leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead, making Lust melt. "Enjoy."

And so he did. It was a surprise that the guardian actually paid attention to a thing like that, and that he did someting as cliché as a breakfast in bed. A nice surprise though. Besides, heavens know that Nightmare is a pretty good cook when he wants to be.

Through the entire time Nightmare stayed with him and struck a lazy conversation, even inserting a few compliments here and there. After the food was eaten he took away the plate and cutlery and helped Lust with his morning routine, including dressing and making the bed.

Overall throughout the entire day he was unnaturally clingy, hugging, kissing and picking up his lover, as well as being super protective of him. Especially when he decided to take him to one of the surface AU's, for one of those fancy dinners in an overpriced restaurant. Not that Lust complained. During the entire one year when they were together they didn't happen to go on a date like that, so Nightmare declared it fair enough.

Of course Lust was overjoyed the entire time. The dinner was nice, even if Nightmare paid with stolen money. Well at least he paid. But he honestly just bathed in all the affection he was presented with. Even in public! He was used to rare and hesitant affection from his significant other, so this overload was almost too much. Almost.

When his boyfriend picked him up, spun around and then kissed all over his face, he couldn't help but question if it was actually Nightmare. Logically he knew it was, but his behaviour said otherwise.

Eventually the end of the wonderful day was coming to a close, however the two skeletons didn't feel like coming home yet. They were just having too much of a good time, even if one was more willing to admit it than the other. And so as they settled on a hill overlooking a small lake as well as the city on the other side and cuddled together, Lust couldn't help but be curious.

"What's up with you today darling?"

"What do you mean... sweetheart?" Nightmare tilted his head, wrapping his arms around the other, who was sitting on his lap.

"This!" Lust exclaimed, louder than he intended. "I mean," he coughed to clear his throat and mind, "You're not usually this affectionate, with your words or touches or anything really."

Nightmare sighed, but then smiled as he put his chin on the other skeleton's shoulder from behind and nuzzled his neck. "I know that I used to be very, very careful with all that mushy, lovey-dovey stuff. I guess it kind of just changed when I realized that the anniversary of us being together was coming."

He went silent for a while, but Lust prompted him to continue with a quick nod.

"Once I did, something shifted inside of me. I just didn't think you would stand me for so long. And yet." Lust turned in his lap to look at him properly, curious of what Nightmare was going to say. "In that moment I decided to stop my distancing, likewise when it comes to affection. I also thought that it would be a nice, additional gift for you, since you seem to like it so much."

Lust eyed him with slightly wider eyes than usually. He was feeling such intense, different emotions: love, surprise, gratefulness and a bit of worry. He wasn't sure what to do, but his heart was.

"I'm sorry darling, I didn't know you felt that way." He apologized, bringing him in for a, not even close to the frist that day, hug. "I will never leave you, I promise. And you know how Sanses feel about making promises." He chuckled softly, making Nightmate do the same, relief in his voice. "But you were right, it's a lovely gift. Why, I even think it's the best one out of all the presents I got today. Happy one anniversary Nighty."

Now it was Lust's time to surprise him, as he gave him a long, loving kiss, Nightmare not falling behind.

Once they separated, panting softly with flushed faces, Nightmare cupped the white-boned skeleton's cheeks, making him lean into his goopy hands. Both were smiling at each other.

"And I guess the best gift from me would be to return that love tenfold, whenever I have the chance." Lust smiled, speaking between his breaths.

"Not if I do it first." Nightmare smirked at him, not moving his hands. Lust just returned the facial expression. What a lovely competition.

"You're on."

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