Interrupted date [Error x Nightmare/Errormare]

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This one is for Avi-Gul-Gul


Error and Nightmare were sitting down with their legs swinging from the edge of the cliff and their hands intertwined together. Today they decided to go on a date. While they were more of a casual couple, dates always made the two skeletons feel like they were making their relationship stronger. After having a picnic in Outertale and terrorizing some of its citizens, they as always, decided to end with sitting in Error's favorite place in this AU.

They snuggled closer as the cold breeze made itself more noticeable. Nightmare pulled his legs up and wrapped his hoodie tighter around himself, to huddle as much warmth as possible. Error however didn't seem to care much about the temperature at the moment. Instead he looked absent-mindedly into the seemingly bottomless void in front of them.

He loved the place, yes, but it also held some less pleasant memories from before he regained the belief that his life can be good too, that someone would love him, from before he met Nightmare.

He remembered how welcoming the void looked back then, the feeling of longing to its fatality and yet soothness. He thought that eventually it will become his destiny and he will jump and...

Despite these recollections he still liked it here, just some particular moments it wasn't as nice as other times. In the end he was glad that he stopped himself, but the doubts sometimes came back.

Error's eyelights shrank as his breath became just a bit too shallow. His discomfort quickly drew Nightmare's attention, who now fully focused on the skeleton next to him. He knew exactly what was happening. While he tried to help his boyfriend with as much problems as possible, it couldn't always be perfect. But that's alright, he knew what to do. First things first, be calm.

He slowly put his arm around Error, turning him to face him. While his eyes were still foggy-looking and focused on elsewhere, Nightmare put his hand under his chin carefully making him look up into his cyan eye.


Error never got to finish, as the goopy skeleton's hands wandered up to cup his cheeks and stroke the area under his eye sockets. He leaned into the touches and gasped in surprise as a loving kiss was planted on his lips. He quickly returned it, finally feeling the sensation of detachment disappear completely.

They both stopped and without further explanation Nightmare pulled the other closer to himself, wrapping his arms around his waist and gently making Error lay his skull on his shoulder.

They both stayed quiet for a moment before Nightmare whispered.

"Are you ok now?"

Error groaned. He couldn't decide if he liked the fact that the negative guardian was able to read him so well, even if they both knew the answer to that. In spite of the noise he got closer.

"Yeah...thanks." He mumbled.

"No problem, you're the only one that I don't want to feel any kind of negativity from." Nightmare chuckled, lighting up the mood.

"I will take that as a declaration of love." Error joked, clearly feeling better.

"As if you didn't know already." Nightmare let go of the tight hug he was holding the other in and instead took his hand in his own, starting to stroke his knuckles. He smiled as Error snorted at his words.

"This is all nice and stuff, but I think we should go now. It's freezing here!" Error suddenly whined.

"Really?" Nightmare couldn't help the rediculous tone in his voice. "You have only realized that now?"


"Ok, nevermind. Shall we come back to the castle or would you rather we continued this date?"

Error leaned his skull on his hand in thought. Returning sounded nice, but then again who knows when they will be able to go out together like that, without any interruptions. Besides he didn't want it to finish, just because his past caught him in its claws for a while. He was much better now.

"Let's continue."

Nightmare just nodded and got up, helping the glitchy skeleton to do so as well. For a while he wondered where else they could go, or what to do.

"Ok, I have some ideas." Before Error could ask him about them, he gasped when he got picked up and thrown over the taller's shoulder.

"Let's go you big grumpy softie. We're going to quickly warm up in Hotland and then we can buy some nice cream or cinnamon buns in the original universe." With that Nightmare started walking, before opening a portal and stepping through it.

"Ok, but do you really have to-" Error once again got interrupted while he was struggling in the grasp, as Nightmare casually answered.

"Yup, you're staying like that for now." He readjusted his hold. "And don't forget that I love you, alright?"

Error was about to groan, but after hearing those words he just blushed and crossed his arms.

"Alright, alright." He answered with a small smile, deciding to stop wriggling and for now let Nightmare carry him through the Hotland.

Btw, to all the ppl who like Errormare, I made a book exclusively for this shipping, you can check it out. (Yeah, some of you have already seen this ad in another book, I know.)

Shinzou wo sasageyo!

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