Importance [Cross x Nightmare/Crossmare]

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The one-shot for DahliaMelon.


Cross walked downstairs with a plate in his hand. He has just finished eating the supper in his room and needed to go to the kitchen. When he arrived, he put the item in the sink and stretched, yawning loudly.

It was quite late now and he was already wearing his pajamas. The moment he wanted to come back to his room, he suddenly felt two arms wrapping around himself from behind, making him jump in surprise.

He quickly turned his head to see none other then his boyfriend.

"N-Nightmare? Uh...what are you doing?" He asked stuttering a little.

"Hmm? Hugging you." Nightmare answered lazily, as he laid his chin on the other's shoulder.

"Oh yeah, right." The response was quick and unsure as Cross wiggled in the embrace.

His boyfriend of course noticed the weird behavior. They have been together for not that long, but he was able to notice white skeleton's nervousness.

At first it didn't bother him. Being in a relationship was new for both of them, so of course not everything would be perfect, especially at the beginning. However, it has been two months now and Cross still seemed uncomfortable around him.

"Cross you're tense, is everything alright?" He wasn't the one to worry much about others, but this was his significant other and he wanted to know what's wrong.

The other was just breathing for a while before speaking. "Yeah." He tried his best to sound confident, however the tone of his voice betrayed him.

This answer and some amount of negative feelings were enough for Nightmare to let go of him and rise a brow.

"Cross?" He kept his voice as calming and gentle as possible. "I can tell that you're...uncomfortable around me. I know you have been for a while. Please tell me what's wrong?'

The white skeleton shifted a little, looking up at the taller's face nervously and then on the floor. There was no need to deny those feelings. Nightmare could sense them after all.

"'s not that I'm uncomfortable...maybe a little, but..." He inhaled softly. "I'm just unsure. I mean, you're practically a king, a guardian of negativity. Someone very powerful who many fear. If you wanted you could find many other monsters to date. Monsters who are better then me...I guess I'm just afraid that I don't mean as much to you as you mean to me..."

When he finished he still didn't dare to look up at Nightmare, whose eye widened during the monologue.

"Did Cross truly feel that way? That would certainly explain a lot. Oh snap, he never even though of that."

"Oh Cross." He came closer to the other and lifted his chin to make him look him in the eye. "Firstly, I'm sorry that I didn't notice. Most importantly though, I assure you that the only monster I want to be with is you. I don't know if there are others 'better' than you, but I know that you're perfect for me. You're the one who accepted me for who I really am. You accepted my flaws and I accept yours."

Nightmare sighed with a smile, whereas Cross was shaking form the amount of strong emotions. Nightmare put his hands on his cheeks.

"I love you and only you." He kissed him on the forehead, not wanting to overwhelm him and let go of his figure.

Meanwhile Cross blushed and looked to the side, but with a small smile. "You really mean that?'

The goopy skeleton smirked. "You really think that I would put up with someone who I don't genuinely like?"

"I-I don't think so." Cross chuckled quietly, feeling more relieved then ever.

"Exactly, now come here and give me a proper hug."

Thr shorter smiled at the words, practically beaming in happiness. He jumped into Nightmare's arms, who almost stumbled from the impact and they both wrapped their arms around each other.

Cross sighed contently as he was finally able to hug his boyfriend with less doubts. They were still present, but definitely not as much as before. He laid his head on his chest.

Nightmare brought him as close as possible, rubbing his back. Now that felt right. He hummed as he picked Cross up, who immediately wrapped his legs around him and his arms around his neck.

They stayed like this for a while, without talking and just enjoying the embrace.



"It's kind of late, aren't you going to sleep?'

Cross perked up at that. It's true that he had been planning to go to bed soon, but now he was reeeally hesitant to leave Nightmare's side.

"Ummm, yeah...but I would rather stay here...with you."

Nightmare smiled when he heard that. "If you want, we could sleep in one bed today?"

"Really?" The monster hugging him asked, trying to hide his enthusiasm. In that scenario they would probably cuddle some least he hoped so. The thought of falling asleep is his lover's arms was very appealing.

"Yeah, of course."

"Then yes! I mean sure, that would be nice."

Nightmare chuckled at the outburst and slowly put the shorter skeleton on the ground.

"Go to my room, there's a bigger bed. I will join you soon."

Cross excitedly nodded a few times and then run out of the kitchen. He looked really happy, which made Nightmare feel a little bad that their relationship couldn't be like that from the start. He shook his head. It didn't matter now, and he would make sure to make Cross feel loved and important from now on.

He went to the bathroom and changed into his own pajamas. Then he got out and soon entered his room, where Cross was already and sitting on the edge of the bed.

He came closer to him and kissed both of his cheeks, making Cross blush from the unexpected affection. He would surely get used to it, but for now Nightmare enjoyed watching him being flustered about something so simple.

He walked to the other side of the bed and slipped under the covers, while Cross was observing him unsure what to do.

Nightmare rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped his tentacles around him, pulling him close to himself.

Cross was still a bit uncertain, but then he felt Nightmare hugging him and bringing him close to his rib cage. After a while he returned the gesture and with a huge grin on his face buried into the other's chest.

"I love you Cross, only you and don't you forget it." Nightmare whispered to him and turned the lights off.

"I love you too."

They both were blushing getting ready to fell asleep and hoping that from today, everyday would end like that.

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