Unexpected [Reaper x Geno/Afterdeath]

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Guess what? A second one shot requested by shipper_Icewolf.


Geno was sitting on the floor of the save screen per usual, waiting for the daily visit from Reaper. In his head he loved them, even if he wasn't so willing to admit it out loud. He was quite excited for it, waiting impatiently, but also a bit nervous. He had noticed something was wrong with his friend. At first he tried to dismiss it, thinking that it was just a bad day or something of the sort, but when it didn't end after a few days he grew concerned.

Finally the familiar portal opened and a cloaked skeleton came through.

"Hi Reaper.'' Geno greeted, noticing the smile his friend usually wore looked really fake today. He frowned when he just nodded and sat on the floor next to him, but not looking at him.

Not being really sure what to think he began taking, seeing that the other is not really planning to start. He continued and although he could say that Reaper was listening to him attentively, he once again wasn't his usual self.

The first change that Geno noticed a few days ago, was how he stopped flirting with him. It didn't happen at once, but gradually yet really fast, he ceased from doing that. To be honest Geno was never really sure if he actually meant it, or if that was just his personality. Plus, he also stopped touching him in any way. He didn't try to kiss him anymore, which had happen a few times in the past, he didn't try to hug him in any situation and even restricted himself from the small touches like patting his back, or holding a hand on his shoulder.

However, what concerned him the most was the lack of Reaper's overall cheery attitude. He stopped talking much and today's visit only confirmed that, while before he had been adding things here and there, today he was awfully quiet. He also didn't really smile anymore, well he did, but anyone could say it was forced. Basically for some time now, he was the opposite of his usual self and even if Geno sometimes acted like he was irritated with his behavior, he really wasn't.

He stopped his partially mindless monologue and sighed when he realized that Reaper is not planning to talk. At all. In fact his expression was kind of...grim and he was looking down on the floor. Geno could feel his soul swallow in sadness at this. He was really, really worried. He decided here and now that he should confront him about this. Honestly he should have a while ago.

"Reaper." He started softly, but with a determined look on his face. "I have noticed that you haven't been yourself for a while now. You...just seem so separated from me sometimes."

Reaper didn't answer that, however he did glance at him, which was some progress. Geno flinched when he saw the unfamiliar emptiness in his eyes, but also sadness. He didn't like that.

"I...need to know what's wrong and I want to know. Why have you stopped all of the things that you liked doing so much?"

"...Like what?" Reaper finally said something, although it was really quiet, like he didn't want to talk about this. Geno was determined though, his friend made his day better many times even if he didn't always admit it, now it was his turn.

"Everything. You don't try to flirt with me anymore, don't even attempt to touch me and you look sad. It's plain to see, at least to me." He softened his voice for the next sentence. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

Hearing that, Reaper suddenly felt tears gathering in his eyes. He didn't like that, he didn't want to cry in front of Geno. He knew he wasn't acting like his usual self, but he tried and finally he failed.

"Why do you care? It's not like you liked that, so why?" He asked in a raspy voice, desperately trying to not show his tears, making himself turn his skull away from the other.

"Okay, listen." Geno grabbed his skull and made Reaper face him. His expression saddened when he saw that he was almost crying. "I know it usually looked like I didn't want it, but the truth is that I was okay with it, really okay. And I miss it now and have been for a while. It's just not you without these features. So why did you stop? What's wrong? I'm your friend, you can tell me."

The god of death couldn't stop himself anymore and felt long streams of tears running down his face as he sobbed. He quickly tried to wipe them off, but his friend was faster in it, while he had his hands on his friend's cheeks. Geno gave him a smile, encouraging him to spit it out.

It seemed to work as Reaper finally started talking. "I felt bad."

"Bad about wha-."

"About all of those things that you mentioned. I felt like I was hurting you with all this flirting and touching and everything. I felt like I was a bother to you. You are the most important person to me and I don't want you to be hurt because of me, or anyone for that matter. This thought that you may feel bad, because of my behavior just came one day and I couldn't stop thinking about this, so I just stopped. I-I'm sorry, I-I just..." Once again he broke down into tears, not being able to stop.

Geno was almost crying himself, he had no idea that he felt like it. He supposed it might also be his fault, he didn't exactly react in a good way during those times. He shook his head and hugged his friend close, making him gasp a little in surprise, but he hesitantly hugged back.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea you felt this way. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, but as I said I really didn't mind, I was just unsure. Either way I'm really sorry. Just please, don't feel sad about this, there is no reason and it really didn't bother me. Please, don't feel like you did something wrong, because you didn't." Geno reassured him, rubbing his back gently and still hugging him close.

"You mean it?" Reaper asked leaning closer to the touch that he has been missing. His voice was still quiet, but sounded more confident.

"Yeah, I do." Geno squeezed him comfortingly.

After a moment of silence, a question popped out in Geno's mind that he was wondering about.

"Hey Reaps." The said skeleton looked up at him slowly. "I have been wondering for a while, that's why I said I was unsure too, why did you even flirt with me?"

At that Reaper could feel his cheeks starting to burn. He knew that this question would eventually be asked and yet, he wasn't ready to answer that. He supposed it was pretty obvious though and either way Geno deserved to know.

"Uhhh...I...well. It's because..." He took a breath, not looking at the other. "Because I like you...romantically..." He still didn't dare to look up. His mind was now telling him every way he could have just ruined everything.

To his surprise Geno kissed his forehead, making his eyes widen.

"Oh good, because I like you like that too." Geno said smiling.

It was so sudden that Reaper started crying again, but this time from happiness. He certainly wasn't expecting this day to end like this and he couldn't be happier. Seeing that, Geno laid down on the floor and cuddled now his boyfriend close. Reaper's fast beating soul was finally calming down and he felt the exhaustion from everything that happened. He focused on the loving touch and the though that he finally got what he wanted. With that he fell asleep in his new lover's arms.

Some things still needed to be talked about, but they both silently agreed to do it later.

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