Gaslit [Killer x Nightmare/Killermare]

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Requested by: THE_REAL_KAMINARI0
As well as: UnicornGachaPrincess


Killer didn't mean to make Nightmare angry. He really didn't. But now, kneeling on the ground with bone marrow scattered around him, he definitely regretted his actions.

"I'll ask you one last time. What were you doing with my pathetic excuse of a brother?" The tone of each word didn't leave any room for guessing Nightmare's mood. Not that he needed to guess, not anymore.

"I... He..." Killer didn't wish to answer, but he was just in so much pain. The liquid hatred flowing freely from his eyes couldn't possibly be any thinner. "Was just tryin' to kill him." He mumbled under his breath, not daring to look up at the other.

A tentacle made contact with a white skull without a warning, cracking it painfully. Killer tried his best not to topple and yet, he failed. Again.

"Stop lying!" Nightmare's scream was so hate-filled. Maybe Killer shouldn't be surprised given that he was a guardian of negativity, but he didn't use to be like that. "You damned idiot seem to have forgotten that I can feel your fragile, stupid emotions." Nightmare's tone suddenly shifted to a more elegant, mocking one. Somehow it was even worse than the previous, spiteful one. "And speak. Now. Before I force you to."

"I... I don't - I-I mean..." Killer stumbled over his words, catching a breath and as swiftly as he could returning to his kneeling position. He knew that prolonging it would put him in an even worse position. "I-I was just t-talking. About y-you. Please Nighty, it's not... important." Stars, since when did he stutter so much? It wasn't normal, was it? You aren't supposed to fear your lover.

"Oh, so you won't talk, Kills?" The so-called guardian grinned smugly, his words only nice in tone. Killer knew that tint and it made him shiver in fear, but he just couldn't tell the truth.

"Please Nigh- boss. I love you." That declaration used to help. Keyword: used to.

Unfortunately for Killer, nothing changed and it wasn't his lucky day either. The next thing he knew he was locked in an old, malodorous dungeon deep underground, with not even one piece of furniture. Above all, it was small, so much that it made him feel claustrophobic, despite not even having that particular phobia. Maybe he was developing it.

"And now you'll remain here until you change your mind. I'm not even going to torture you, love." That 'love' used to mean everything. "Aren't I polite?" With no more unnecessary phrases, Nightmare left, not turning around even once.

"Nightmare." Killer's desperate whisper fell on deaf ears, leaving him clenching the bars and his teeth to prevent the tears. He banged his skull against the rods a few times, only to slide down the wall and lay down on the cold, disgusting floor.

He would simply teleport out, but he knew that his lover would feel it, and then who knows what would happen. No matter where in the multiverse Killer appeared, Nightmare would always find him. Today only ensured this belief. The so-called perks of being an empath.

Killer was just trying to help, why else would he converse with Dream of all skeletons? He hated the bastard, but he was just so desperate that their conflict seemed so redundant in comparison. He hoped that the gold-clothed brother could help, using his empathy, positivity, anything really. All of that not for himself, but Nightmare. He was not always like that. He used to love his boyfriend all the time, even if it was in his own, eccentric way. Yes, all the time. Killer still believed that Nightmare loved him. He knew that! Even if he started hurting him more and more, he always apologized afterward and then pampered him to no end. The white-boned skeleton loved his partner with all his being. He just needed to be patient. He just needed to find help, somehow with Nightmare being aware of his every move.

Oh, how he missed the others. Dust, Horror, Cross... One day he just woke up, them nowhere in sight. Upon a question about the matter, the king of the castle simply shrugged, though it was apparent that it was his fault. Were they dead or just simply not living in the mansion anymore? That Killer did not know. He didn't yearn to learn. It would be so easy to stop loving Nightmare, in theory. In practice, it was infinitely harder.

There were so many cracks and scars on his body. Right now he loathed his... abuser. Maybe if he used all of his will to hold onto this emotion, he would be free from his own messed-up feelings. He just had to cling to the hate to save his unstable sanity... He just needed some damn comfort!

The next time Killer opened his eyes, his surroundings were changed drastically. Instead of gray stone, he saw darkly-colored walls surrounding a king-worthy room. A king... worthy... room. From the sidelines, it probably looked as if Killer got struck by invisible, inaudible lightning. He moved so rapidly that he nearly fell out of bed, but fortunately, a tentacle reached him and in one swift motion pulled him back. Killer's mind went blank with panic, his attacks flaring up all over the room. However before he was able to utilize any of them, he felt himself leaning on a goopy chest.


"It's me, dear, why do you sound so surprised?" It was him, no doubt about it.

"I just, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to attack-." Killer's explanation was cut short by a sickly-sweet kiss. In spite of everything he felt before and his promise, he couldn't help but kiss back. He just... desired solace so much right then.

"Shh, it's alright. You don't have to explain anything. Remember, I love you and you're so beautiful. Do you need me to give you some TLC?" Nightmare hugged Killer close, his aura so menacing, and yet soothing.

"Yes, please." Despite himself, Killer let Nightmare pamper him. It was just... unreal. Perhaps the other just had a bad day the day before. He was so different, so loving right now. "Aren't you... a-angry at me?" There goes that stutter again, but maybe he interpreted it all wrong. Maybe it wasn't caused by any fear, but because of being flustered. Nightmare could be such a gentleman after all.

"Angry? No, of course not. I hope you know that this situation yesterday was just a one-time occurrence." Maybe this time it would be. "Besides, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't betrayed me."

He was right. Maybe if Killer stopped trying to change his boyfriend and being so ungrateful, he would realize that he was the problem. Yeah, it was him, not Nightmare.

"I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't thinking." Yeah, what was his reasoning? Clearly, Nightmare still knew how to love. He just had to be patient... Just a bit longer.

"I forgive you of course. You made a terrible mistake, but I'm a gentle creature after all. At least to you." Nightmare brought the other closer, holding him in a strong, tight embrace, peppering small kisses all around the white skull. "Actually no. I'll forgive you under one condition."

"Y-yes?" Hope danced in Killer's eyelightless sockets, making him hesitantly look up.

"You'll never again leave the castle without me or try to talk with anybody. You don't need that. Why would you when there's me? Deal?"

Killed dismissed the few voices screaming incoherently in his mind. They were wrong anyway. His goopy lover always knew better, he was his boss for a reason. He felt Nightmare feeding on him, but was this truly so wrong? He cuddled up more to his beloved boyfriend, embracing the darkness.

"Of course. Anything for you."

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