Let's stick together [Classic x Horror]

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Requested byyy: Depresso-Boi-Classic

For personal reasons there are no direct scenes of bullying, so I apologize if you were expecting them.


"Hey Classic!"

The said skeleton spotted his friend at the entrance of the school and immediately beamed. He ran to Horror and hugged him as a greeting. The other chuckled and returned the gesture.

"Well, hello to you too, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

They let go of each other, chatting about some pointless things. It was too early. They decided to walk closer to their shared class, but stood a bit away from the others.  
They didn't want to run across bullies, which unfortunately happened way too often.

They both were a lot shorter then most of the monsters in their high school, so of course eventually someone thought that this was enough to torment them. It was awful, that's for sure, but at least there was the two of them. They always sticked together to avoid one-on-one confrontations with others. Sometimes they also hanged out with Nightmare's gang, who were probably the only ones they could call friends. Well, they weren't sure if they could call them that, but they were friendly towards them. Which was quite surprising, because everyone knew not to mess with them, because if they got angry...hoo boy. Nobody wanted to experience that.

Finally the bell rang and they both sighed almost in synch, making each other chuckle.

Neither of them were very big fans of school, but at least it was way harder for others to bully them during classes. They nodded at each other and went inside.

Unfortunately this was their only shared class today. When that lesson finished, they came out of the classroom.

"I guess I should head out for now..." Classic said hesitantly. It's not like it was the first time they had to part, but he still felt uneasy without the other.

"Yeah...but we will walk together after school, right?" Horror asked hopefully. They always did that after all, living fairly close to each other.

"Of course." Classic hugged the other. "See you soon!" With that he left, leaving Horror in the hallway.

The skeleton with a hole im his skull flushed slightly at the sudden gesture and then bid goodbye to his friend.  He sighed and decided to wait somewhere where not a lot of people would be. It will be less enjoyable then if he was with Classic, but still it would be more possible to avoid the bullies like that. He definitely didn't want to face them alone. It's not like he wanted his best friend to be bulied too, but he couldn't lie that it was somewhat reassuring when they were together.

The end of the school day came and Horror stretched getting up from his chair. After that he headed to the exit of the building. He stood outside waiting for his best friend. It was quite a good day to be honest. Noone really attacked him in any way today, so he was relieved. He just hoped thay Classic was also alright without him.

At that moment the said skeleton appeared in sight and Horror's calm expression was quickly changed into a one of worry when he saw Classic's sad look. Something definitely happened.

He quickly ran closer to him, who was looking at him blankly from afar.

"Classic!" Horror almost yelled worriedly when he was next to him. "What happened?"

The skeleton gazed up at him, but immediatly looked to the side. "Eh you know...some people started laughing at me again and mocking me, you know, about my height and whatnot...I didn't really know what to do, especially without you..."

Horror's eyes widened, although he really wasn't that surprised. Still, he hoped it would end eventually.

"I'm so sorry it happened." Horror hugged him tightly, trying to give him as much reassurance as possible.

Classic calmed down a little and returned the gesture.

Horror really hesitantly pulled out of the hug and grabbed the other's hand rushing out of the school's territory.


They soon stopped.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure that we wouldn't meet anyone, who was rude to you before."

"Ohh ok then, thanks." Classic smiled a little, feeling a bit better, especially since he was now out of school.

Horror realized that he was still holding his hand, but didn't let go.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah." Classic gripped his hand. "I just wish they stopped, or that I was at least a tad taller."

"Hey, I know it's bad, but I will always help you. Heh, I mean I know how you feel, for sure."

Classic looked at him thankfully. He knew he was telling the truth. He saw it with his own two eyes. "Thanks."

They gazed into each other's eyes for a bit, until Horror let go of the hand which he was holding and they started their usual walk home.

Sometime has passed since then and well, not many has changed in the terms of pretty much everything. Classic and Horror were still the best of friends, who always got each other's back.

However something changed with their feelings. They loved each other platonically for a long time, but it has recently blossomed into romantic love. It seemed natural for them to fall in love to be honest. However, neither of them have confessed yet. Yet being the key word.

They were walking home like usual, but something was different. Horror has been a lot quieter today and seemed quite stressed. Classic tried to find out what was going on, especially since it was Friday, so the beggining of the weekend, but Horror didn't spill.

Finally they reached Classic's house, but before he could say goodbye Horror put his hands on his shoulders stopping him. His friend raised a brow in silent question.

"S-sorry, I need to tell you something."

"Yeah?" Classic asked curiously.

"I-I." Horror took a breath trying to calm himself down, he knew that it was his only chance. If he didn't do it now he will never again gather that much courage. He looked down in order not to look directly at his crush. "I think that I love you! I-I mean I'm sure, I mean r-romantically."

Horror's cheeks covered with blush, as he was still avoiding looking at the other. The worst part was yet to come. What will he say? He wasn't sure what to expect really.

He was suddenly disrupted out of his train of thoughts, as he felt his friend hug him tightly. He was out of breath for a moment, being stressed.

"Horror..." Classic started quietly, hiding his face. "I-I love you too. I have for a while now."

"Really?!" Horror slowly, still in shock, hugged him back.

"Yeah." Classic finally showed his face, which was covered with blush as he was smiling.

"So does that mean that you will be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, absolutely."

They both smiled widely sharing a loving hug. In the heat of moment Classic planted a kiss on his new lover's cheek.

In the end they stayed outside for way longer than usually, sharing their feelings and knowing that from now on it will be easier for them both.


Which of the Undertale AU ships with three or more people do you like the most?

Mine is definitely Bad Sans Poly (aka Nightmare x Error x Dust x Horror x Killer x Cross [just clarifying since some people see this ship with or without some of this lovelies.]

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