Positively surprised [Error x Shattered!Dream]

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Requested by: WinterCherryX

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"Something is wrong!"

"Why there, why now…?"

"It's not-! How…?"

Error's mind screamed, trying to wrap around the new knowledge he… acquired? More like it just came to him unexpectedly, out of nowhere, but he knew what the triggered was. It was a pretty normal day overall, until Error decided to look through the portal at different alternative universes. Nothing new, he did it multiple times before, especially if Shattered was out of their house doing… probably something malevolent. If was an activity that has never bored him, since AUs were practically infinite. Thanks to that, he almost never saw the same world twice, unless he intended to do so. However during his scrolling, he happened to see something called Aftertale. It didn't grab his attention at first, but what was weird, it seemed that there was no sign of Sans in this one. It was the moment that moved something in his memory, which shook his very core.

He was that AU's Sans. Genocide Sans… Geno!Sans, right? He wasn't sure how, probably because of looking at the save screen, but he now remembered enough to be sure of that fact, and that fact alone. How did he land in the save screen, what happened to others and mainly, how did he get to the Anti-void? That he didn’t know. Looking around didn’t help as he hoped. The only thing he knew, was that he was previously this Sans and that his thoughts were a mess at the moment.

He didn't know much about his past, well okay, he knew nothing. His earliest memory was waking up in the Anti-void, with no idea who he was, or how he got there. But now he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Sure, he was always curious how he got that big scar across his chest, plus was always wishful of having his own AU. However now that he got this information, it actually created even more questions, instead of answers. What's more important, it meant that he had his own AU, at least some time ago.

He had his own AU…

Shattered opened the door to his and Error's house, stretching his bones a bit. Today was a good day for him, but he was pleased to be back. After a visit in the bathroom and washing his goopy, skeletal hands, he decided to check on his lover, curious if he was home or went off somewhere. He did expect him to probably be out, even if he wasn't a fan of it. However he tried not to interfere too much with glitch's whims, in order not to appear too possessive. His train of thoughts was interrupted, when he heard quiet whimpers and sobs from what was assigned to be Error's room. He hurried to the door, he needed to see what made him upset, especially if it was not a 'what', but a 'who'.

He practically bursted through the door, ready to attack, however it turned out that the only one inside the room was Error. He was laying on his back, looking at the ceiling, while tired tears slowly streamed down his face.

"Error, what's going on!?" Shattered came closer, while the said skeleton slowly directed his eyelight at him.


"Error, hey." Shattered asked once again, calmer this time. He slowly kneeled next to the bed and took his mate's skull into his hands, to wipe his tears.

Destroyer sighed as his quiet weeping ended. He wasn't even really that sad, rather frustarated and angry. "I just- I think that I found my AU." He said. Hesitant, but it was too important to leave out.

"Found your AU? So you had one?" After Error stayed quiet he added, "Hey, talk to me."

"...Yeah. I was just observing some random AUs, when I came upon one with a visible save screen. Apparently it's officially called Aftertale."

"Yeah? What happened then?" Shattered prompted, with his tentacles ready to coil around the other, as to protect him.

"...Well, I don't know. I mean! I kind of just... remembered? At least I think so. I have those... memories? Of me being in that save screen? I think I also fought Chara before that?"

"Wait, so that's why you have that big wound across your ribcage?" The goopy one asked. He wasn't sure what to think about all of this to be honest, but he did trust Error.

"Yeah, I think? It does look like the cut that most Sanses have at the end of genocide." It did make some sense. If he was in a fight like that, then he had to have a scar. But since he had it still, it meant that he didn't reset after that, right?

"Hmm, what about appearing in the Anti-void later?"

"I really don't know, I only have these tiny scrapes of memories and I'm not even sure if these are true anymore."

Shattered hummed for a while, becoming accustomed to it all. His tentacles went to embrace Error, but before it could happen, his soul mate suddenly snapped, "You know what that means!? It means that I have been destroying all of these universes, being jealous of their citiziens. And now it turns out that I have one. Yet I'm an outcode now and can't come back! Even if I could, I don't remeber anything about that timeline, so it would be no use!"

Shattered's eye widened a bit at the sudden anger of the glitch, but soon returned to normal. It's not like it was the first time Error snapped, but this one was much more serious, plus he was super confused. The former guardian couldn't blame him though. He himself remembered what happened before he turned into this goopy self, but could imagine how weird it would be if he didn't. Hmmm...

Finally his tentacles were able to wrap around Error's stressed form. He calmed down a little and let them coil around him, but was surprised when Shattered also wrapped his arms around him.

"Error, I understand that it's all confusing. I can't change any of that, so just listen. Your past is important, but whether you're Error or that other Sans is not. What is, is that you're my boyfriend and no matter if you were someone else in the past or not, I will protect you anyway. I mean, I would be a hypocrite if I thought differently." He let out a low chuckle, making the black-boned monster do the same.


"And even if you had an AU you didn't know that until now, so I don't think anyone could blame you. I understand that it can be weird and confusing, but for now just know that I love you no matter what. And if there's any way to know exactly what happened, then we will find it."

Error felt himself sigh in relief. His thoughts were still a mess, but Shattered helped to untangle them a bit. For now, he just melted into the comforting embrace of the taller.

They stayed like that for a while, until Error felt himself being picked up by the tentacles. He blinked in surprise at the other, who just smirked.

"You said that destroying also destresses you, correct? Then let's take advantage of it."

Error just rolled his eyes jokingly. Shattered was right though, so he just let him carry him.

"Who knows, maybe we will meet Ink. Perhaps he will tell us something useful." Shattered added as they left the house.

"Pff, what makes you think he will just tell you that after you ask?" Error asked, slightly amused.

"Who said I was going to use my words?"

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