A new kind of touch [Errorfresh]

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A request done for DustinWolf12.


The anti-void was quiet like always. Its only resident sitting on the floor, doing the usual thing. And that thing was of course knitting. Error wasn't sure which one yet, but he was making a Sans. The base was the same for all of them anyway.

Today has been peaceful, since he decided not to destroy universes for once. He was kind of driven to it anyway, but that at least meant no fighting Ink or anybody.

Right now, he was almost only focused on his work, his guard down. He stuck his tongue out as he knitted a really hard part.

"Hiya, broski!"

Error jumped in place as he heard a voice behind him, not expecting it one bit. Out of reflex and fear, he quickly stood up and punched whoever was standing behind him.

"Wow, rude."

As Error's sudden emotions faded he finally comprehended who had scared him. It was Fresh. He was now standing right in front of him and correcting his glasses.

"You! You damned parasite! What are you doing here and why are you startling me?" Error hissed, jumping away from the other.

"Aw, I just wanted to see what ya were up to. Anyways, so you sayin that I frightened you bro? Pff, that's cute." Fresh chuckled a little and smiled at the glitchy skeleton.

"W-what?" Error glitched in embarrassment. "Of course not. A-and don't say things like that."

Fresh just came closer and put his hand around his shoulders. "Aye, sorry Glitchy, but I heard what I heard bruh. Anddd you punched me too. No offence, but that was a really weak punch. Very cute tho~".

Error's eyes widened and he could feel his face heating up. He quickly snatched Fresh's hand off of him, stood aside and looked up at him with angry expression. As frustrated as he was, he had to admit that Fresh was pretty intimidating, his height didn't help either.

"Ugh, I told you not to call me that nonsense. Now go and leave me alone!" Error pouted and sat forcefully on the floor with his back facing the other. He picked up his unfinished puppet and tried to focuse on renewing his work. That didn't last for too long though.

"Eyyy, c'mon. I'm already here, let's do something." Fresh kneeled behind him and without second thought started petting his skull, trying to gain his attention.

That's when Error froze. He was going to come up with some snarky comment, but then he felt a moving hand on his head. At first he stiffened, but actually, the sensation felt...good. He had to stop himself from leaning into it.

"U-ugh, I told you already to g-go! I don't waaant you her-E!" Error tried to sound annoyed, but struggled due to an unfamiliar yet pleasant touch trying desperately to ignore it.

Just his luck though. Fresh immediately noticed and retreated his hand to slam them both on his mouth and laugh.

"Hahaha dude! You just said that ya don't want me here, but you surely don't mind my hand on you. N' I though that you were the scary, almighty destroyer of the universes. But now ya acting like a funking cat. Now, that's adorable if I do say so myself." Fresh grinned widely and pointed the finger guns at Error, who was currently blushing out of anger and embarrassment.

Fresh continued and the longer he was talking, the more Error growled. Finally, something snapped inside of him and he jumped at the other, tackling him to the floor.

Fresh gave a little yelp of surprise, but nothing more. However, Eror was determined.

"Don't you ever say such things you nineties' mistake! I will show you just how scary I can be and then you will regret all the thinks you said about me, you stupid-!" Error screamed to Fresh's face with growing anger, but he suddenly stopped mid-sentence, as he once again felt a hand petting his skull. Only this time it was faster and so, more pleasant.

"Yeah yeah, sure bud, you do dat." Fresh laughed at his behaviour unfazed. How could he when one touch of his hand, was able to shut Error, while he was screaming about "destroying" him.

Error tried to come back with something, but his limbs were wobbling from the nice contact and before he could stop himself, he fell down on Fresh's chest. He tried to yell at him to stop, but all that came out of him was...purring.

"Aww, I told ya you were like a cat." Fresh smiled when Error landed down on him and seemd to like the touch. He put his other hand on the glitch's skull and pet him repeatedly.

"H-heckk, stooop. Mmrgh." Error's face flushed, but he couldn't help the purring that was escaping his lips. He felt so good, he almost laid his head comfortably on the other's chest, almost. He tried to save his dignity as much as possible now.

"Naw glitchy bro. Why not just relax and enjoy yaself?  That way both of us can have what we want." Fresh said as his hands strached Error's skull where his ears would be.

Error reacted immediately and with no more control of himself, laid his head on Fresh's ribcage. That felt so absolutely wonderful he could melt. He tried to complain, but only more purring and some mumble came out.

Fresh smirked at his cuteness. "See? That wasn't so bad, eh? And ya know, it's not like anybody besides you and me can enter dis place." He stated and as one of his hands was still working on his skull, the other wandered under his chin and strached there.

Error's eyes widened at that and he purred louder. He was finally completely giving up. He leaned into both touches his head still in place. Fresh was right, no one else could come here to see him like that and this was way too pleasant now to stop.

The colorful skeleton smiled when he saw the reaction. Error was really enjoying it, no doubt about it. He wasn't even protesting now. Fresh's hands wandered to his back and stroked him there, occasionally reaching his neck.

At this point Error's entire face was yellow, a little from embarrassment, but mostly from pleasure. Perhaps the parasite wasn't so bad. He was strangely comfortable too... Error repeatedly arched his spine and nuzzled Fresh's shirt as he felt his hands wandering on his body.

He didn't know how long it was going to continue, or what would happen afterwards, but right now he just felt so great. He wasn't sure why Fresh was doing it, perhaps only because he was bored, but maybe it would be alright to ask him to do it again sometimes...

Maybe, but for now he just rested and sighed pleasantly at the comfort, seeing Fresh smile and coo at him.

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