Hopeful [Error x Blue/Errorberry]

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Requested by: OfficialTidal_Sunset



A glitching skeleton commonly known as the destroyer, the title he could only roll his eyes at, stood in New Home in some random AU, by the looks of it was Swapfell or Fellswap...? Either way it was in its last stage of being erased from existence. The only problem he encountered in this one were the citizens. It's not like it was the first time the inhabitants tried to fight him off, but these ones were unusually strong and stubborn. It's too bad that they don't understand that he is actually saving the entirety of the multiverse. Unfortunately to save it, someone had to be sacrificed. And so their resistance has resolved in an injury on his leg, which was leaving a red trail of blood behind him, plus it made him limp.

Error sighed once again, before deleting the world once and for all. As mad as he was, he understood the fight they put on, he probably would do the same if he was in their shoes, but being injured and insulted still wasn't exactly pleasant to say the least. He was only happy that he was ending for today and that by some miracle he hasn't encountered Ink. Now there were only two more things to do.

With that the glitch left the slowly disappearing world and stepped through to another one, Underswap. He walked through Snowdin into the direction of one particular house, still trailing his damaged limb behind him. A few good souls even went to ask if they could help him, but he disregarded them. At least even though they knew who he was, they didn't attack him, being used to his presence in their town.

He finally found his destination and knocked on the door. However the skeleton who opened, wasn't the one he was looking for.

"Yes-? Oh, it's you." It was Papyrus. It's not that they were enemies, well they used to be, but Papyrus was still unsure about him. Sure, his attitude changed tremendously after he learned about his forced status, but it was still uneasy to have a murderer in your house, but at least he learned to trust him more, especially with his brother. Hell, once he has even cooked something not only for himself and his brother, but also for Error. It was amazing enough to see an equivalent of Sans cook, yet alone for the destroyer. "You can come in, Blue is in his room. Just, maybe teleport upstairs." He added, looking at his leg.

"Thanks." Error nodded and shortcut in front of Sans' room, the least he could do was not to dirty the house. "Blue, it's me, can I come in?" He knew better than to enter without asking.

As a response he heard quickened footsteps and after a while, his friend opened the door.

"Hi Error!." Blue greeted in his usual, high-energy fashion, but his smile faltered a little when he saw the injury, which stuck out like a sore thumb. However in the end it's not like he wasn't used to it. It saddened him, but at the same time he was glad that he could at least help his friend recover. "Oh, I see. Come and sit down, I will take care of it."

Error's face flushed a little, but he followed inside and sat on his bed, while Blue prepared some stuff to bandage his leg.

"You do know that you don't really have to do it, right?" Error asked, as his friend started working on his injury. At this point he knew that it was no point arguing with him over it, but old habits die hard.

"Of course I have to! If not me, who will do it? And what if one day you will get hurt much worse? You know you're not immortal." Blue said as he continued his work. Error did have a soul after all and everything that has one, no matter how strong, can be killed.

"I know, I know." Error murmured, but also smiled at his friend's thoughtfulness. Even though their relationship started bumpy to say the least, with all the kidnapping and whatnot, because of Blue's sheer stubbornness and a shit-ton of determination, he helped his kidnapper with his physical and mental state and soon enough they became good friends.

The rest of healing passed in silence, besides the occasional grunts of pain from Error here and there.

"There." Blue said as he finished. "Just try not to move it too much, ok?"

"I'll try." Error gave a little smile. "I have destroyed quite a bit, so I guess I can take a break for two or three days."

Blue's face lit up in relief, but suddenly, as he eyed the other, he realized that his friend had an almost hesitant expression on his face, like he wanted to add something.

"Is everything al-?" Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Error hugging him, quite tightly at that. It left him speechless for a second, yes Error was alright with touching him and they did cuddle from time to time, but very rarely was it initiated by him. However his initial shock disappeared quickly and changed into delight.

"Thanks Blue, I'm...really lucky to have you." Error said quietly hiding his face in his friend's chest in embarrassment, but the other could still see his bright, yellow blush, which also made him flush a little.

"Aww, you're so cute." Blue cooed at him, as he wrapped his arms tightly around him and basically held him in place. "I'm glad you think so, but I'm the one who is lucky enough to have such an adorable friend, who also just so happened to save the multiverse from a total doom on an almost daily basis." He hummed for a while as the glitchy skeleton just got closer to him and didn't seem to want to let go. Seeing this Blue got an idea. "You know what? Since you're already here I know what we should do."

The other looked up at him questioningly, with his face still covered in yellow. Instead of a vocal response Blue just picked him up, making Error instinctively grab onto him.

"Woah! Blue, what are you doing?"

"We're going to cuddle, right now!" He exclaimed, sitting them down on a couch. He then laid them both down, with Error laying next to him, on his side and with his skull on his chest.

"I-you-you didn't have to carry me though." Error stuttered over his words. Yes, they did cuddle sometimes, but Blue picking him up was completely unexpected, plus he was still flustered by the earlier complements. But still, he cuddled close to his friend, feeling safe by his side. Lately being with him made the destroyer feel extraordinarily good, plus something he couldn't quite put his finger on, but it was definitely positive and made him want to be with Blue as often an possible.

"Debatable." Blue snorted. "I said that you shouldn't move your leg, so I would be kind of a hypocrite if I made you walk right after that."

"If you say so." Error smiled and made himself more comfortable. "Let's just cuddle for now, ok? You're comfortable."

"That's more than alright with me." Blue pat his head and started rubbing his back. "Besides, how could I refuse to such a cute skeleton?"

"Shut it." Error whined, but his expression didn't fit at all the annoyed tone he was trying to put on. Plus Blue knew better anyway, so he just laughed at him. The sound made Error's heart skip a beat.

Yes, their relationship did start weird and at first Error didn't want to waste time on this 'friends making business', but he honestly couldn't be more grateful for Blue's help and company. With that warm feeling in his heart he closed his eyes and focused on the hand on his back. Maybe Blue will even let him stay with him for the next few days, but he could ask about that later. Right now he had some relaxing to do.

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