Guardian [Error x Nightmare/Errormare]

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Requested by: MissFandom1


"Ah-!" Before Error's foot could even touch the other side behind the portal, something slimy swiftly blocked its movement, causing him to trip and topple. Topple without brushing the white floor that is, since as out of nowhere as the thing which made him trip came a pair of arms that caught him quickly enough.

Precisely as he was about to begin trashing around, Error's bones already have had the time to recognize the familiarity of the touch. Uh oh.

"Hello, oh powerful and mighty king of negativity." He greeted sheepishly, his eyelights still admiring the ground with their gaze.

"Don't even try with that flattery." The other grumbled, his tentacles' motion steadying Error's posture. "You were supposed to go back home as soon as your battle with Ink has ended, weren't you?" Nightmare folded his arms with a raised bonebrow.

The glitching skeleton took a breath and exhaled slowly. "Yes, but this is my home." He gestured around the white space, his voice quivering slightly.

"I thought we have both agreed that it is that no more." Nightmare's gaze softened as he eyed Error who was rubbing one of his arms awkwardly.

"You came here to escape the "eating and sleeping bullshit", huh?" The other's quickly moving eyelights and absence of words told him everything he needed to know. Plus, he still refused to face him.

"Ummm... I-I..." Error's words were halted once he felt a comfortable mass hugging him from behind and he purred involuntarily.

"Love, I'm not angry. I do not expect you to instantly get used to needing to eat or sleep. Not after living for so long in this counterintuitive space." Nightmare whispered reassuringly. "But running away won't help either. Just look at yourself." He stroked the bags under the other monster's eye sockets that he knew were there. "It comes across that the moment you get out of here you'll fall over." He started swaying them both a bit.

Error stared in one direction with dull eyes, most of his weight being balanced only by his lover's own strength. "I won't... Probably... Maybe?" Well, he was busted, but he wasn't the one to admit he was wrong. Not usually.

"You know what happened last time." Nightmare stated. It wasn't an assumption. "Perhaps not during the first minute, but without the weirdness of the Anti-void all those uncared-for needs will hit you tenfold." He heard the destroyer merely grumble under his breath. "I know. This place gave you a lick of immortality and I bet it was addicting."

"It was." Error admitted with a small smile, now turning to finally face Nightmare. "It's just weird to be required to satisfy all those needs all of a sudden."

"I can only imagine what's it like to live in a timeless space as long as you did." Nightmare held his boyfriend closer now, seeing him being slowly dragged to his side. "So then, shall we actually go back to the castle? You know you want to." He teased with a gentle grin. "As soon as we're there I will prepare something delicious if quick and after that, we will tuck you in bed to ensure sleep for at least a day. And I won't take no for an answer."

"Finee." Error pretended to whine in disappointment, while not trying even one bit to get out of the situation. "But you know, you're right, your highness. I just might be too tired to walk, or even move at all." He began sliding down dramatically Nightmare's frame for show. Though now that he did that he could feel the last of his energy slipping away and he started actually falling over. "Wait-!" And just like before he got saved.

"See, you might be a dangerous little skeleton, but right now you're more of a hazard to yourself than others." The goopy one shook his skull disapprovingly. "On account of all that..." He pretended to wrestle with the decision. "I suppose I could assist you, my love."

"Hmm." Error purred in contentment as he was picked up, the tentacles used for cushioning. His skull rocked for a while before landing heavily on Nightmare's ribcage. "Uhh."

"Let's get out of here." A dark, goopy portal materialized in front of the two skeletons. "Ready?"


As soon as they stepped through, Error felt an invisible wave of the strength of neglected needs hit him, his drowsiness and hunger increasing immediately.

"Ooh, fuck." He felt heavier now and he wasn't even standing on his own legs, his head spinning.

Nightmare had to try quite hard not to let out a smug "I told you so" but it really wasn't the time.

"You're a stubborn skeleton." He simply whispered. "Let's get you do- no, actually no." One glance at the other assured him that he wouldn't be able to stand on his own two feet. "Hmm."

A while later, he had a solution ready. It didn't pass without some surprised noises from Error, but shortly after he was placed surprisingly comfortably and snuggly in a tentacle cocoon against Nightmare's back. His skull has once again heavily fallen against his body.


"I know, just give me a second. Shh."

After that for... a few minutes, all the destroyer could hear were the sounds of kitchen equipment being used. His mind felt fuzzy, his eyelids heavy, but his stomach begged for Nightmare's delicious food.

"ror... Error... Hey!" He shook his skull at the quiet yell, coming back to reality.

"Yeah?" He asked, noticing slowly Nightmare's frown. When did he get placed in front of him? "What...?"

"I made you some sandwiches..." His lover paused for a few seconds and then eyed him, who titled his skull sluggishly.


"Yeah, no, look at yourself, you're exhausted! If you eat anything right now you'll most likely choke. I'm getting you to bed."


"No buts."

And so Error went limp in Nightmare's arms, his tiredness really taking over. He was barely able to stay conscious, so of course he had no strength to protest more either.

"You're... too strong for... me. Heh. Ugh."

Deciding not to waste another second as Error was drifting away more and more, another portal between space and time was opened to their shared bedroom. They still had their own in case someone needed their privacy, but, save to say, a moment as such was not lasting at the time.

There was no time to make Error change, so Nightmare simply took his jacket and shoes off. Throughout the whole ordeal the glitch was simply staring at the wall, expression dazed. Loud yawns escaped his mouth now and then. Soon, he found himself under the covers, feeling warm and toasty. Before his eyelids could close for a long, long time, he grumbled at the other skeleton.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Nightmare was not giving him a chance to escape. Okay... he probably wouldn't be able to if he tried but still. The King of negativity climbed on top of the bed and cuddled his lover from behind. He opened his mouth to say something but his aura reading told him Error has already drifted off to sleep. He just shook his skull halfheartedly. He would truly have to keep his singular eye on him. No worries though, he was called a guardian for a reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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