After the job [Error x Reaper/DestructiveDeath]

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This was done as a request for Ever_Tree I hope you like it.


Error tapped his foot impatiently. He knew that he shouldn't feel that way, since Reaper had his own job to do, but it still bugged him. He has been waiting for quite a while after all. Besides, he was the one who insisted on Error waiting for him. He had a lot of souls to reap today, as always, but he also wanted to reap alongside Error while he destroyed in order not to have a delay. And to help him with Ink if needed.

Finally a portal opened and the Death itself came through it. Error could feel relief even if he knew that technically nothing could happen to him. Still, he didn't like the fact that Reaper was forced to take lifes, especially since he didn't enjoy it one bit. But at least Error wasn't alone in his forced job.

"Hi Error, sorry for being late. A lot of souls, you know." Reaper stretched his bones and tried to remain collected despite the tiredness he was feeling.

However Error knew better and came closer to hug him. "It's alright, it's not your fault."

Reaper gratefully hugged back and relaxed for a second.

As much as Error wanted to stay in this position he knew they couldn't. Error was only starting his destruction today, and he will be just as tired at the end of the day as Reaper. He reluctantly pulled from the embrance after a while.

"How many AUs today?" Reaper asked getting ready for some more work. It might not be enjoyable, but at least he will be close to Error.

"As much as possible." Error stated looking up at him.

Reaper just nodded and let the destroyer lead the way. In the end he was the one who decided which AUs should be destroyed. He couldn't wait for the end of the day, when he will be able to rest with his boyfriend and that was the thought which would keep him motivated throughout the day.

The two gods were currently in Swapfell doing their respective jobs. Error killing all the monsters and Reaper reaping all the souls. Thanks to their cooperation it went smoothly and they haven't even seen Ink yet. Of course that didn't last for too long.

"Error, stop right now!" Ink's voice could be heard behind their backs.

They both looked in the direction od the sound and Error sighed irritated. Couldn't he just understand that he had to do it? He had tried to reason with the creator many times but it never worked, so after some time he just stopped.

"Ugh...what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" Error had an annoyed frown on his face. He expected it to happen sooner or later, but he still would rather not have to deal with him.

"Obviously I came here to stop you. So either go away from this AU or fight me" Ink shouted angrily and waited for a moment. He observed his opposite and spotted Reaper floating behind him protectively. As much as he was a problem since he was on the destroyer's side, Ink couldn't do much as he was just reaping the souls of the monsters that Error killed. Not killing them himself.

"Pff, yeah sure, like I'm gonna surrender to y-" Before Error could end his statement some paint flew in his direction only barely dodging his face. He looked behind to make sure that Reaper didn't get hurt, and got a nod from the very angered skeleton.

And with that the fighting has begun. The bones and Gaster Blasters were used trying to hurt the enemy. In a meantime Error tried his best to kill the rest of the monsters in this AU so they could move on to the next. Between his attempts to help Error and protect him, the god of death reaped all the remaining souls allowing Error to destroy the AU's code and them both to escape to another universe.

The two of them caught some breath, but knew it wasn't the end. Ink would find them in a moment. Indeed, that's what happened and the fighting began again.

All three od them traveled through many AUs while Ink tried to stop Error along with Reaper. They went back and forth, but eventually Error was able to destroy 25 world.

After that was done in the middle of throwing bones at Ink, Error opened a portal to their house trying to get to it urging Reaper to do it as well. However, when he was near a few bone attacks knocked him over to the ground. Fortunately his boyfriend scooped him in his arms and quickly came to their house, the portal closing behind them.

The two were breathing quickly, kneeling on the floor.

As soon as Reaper relaxed a little he shouted in victory, "Wooho! Twenty five AUs in one run! We sure did a number on him! Good job Error." But as soon as he did that suddenly all of the adrenaline worn out and he face-planted on the floor feeling the exhaustion from the whole day.

Error wasn't really in a better state if not in a worse, but he cheered a little himself.

A moment passed and Reaper was able to carry himself to the couch, looking at Error who was still laying down on the floor. However it didn't last long and he slowly stood up.

"Do you...want some...tea?" Asked Error huffing in between the words.

Reaper looked at him drowsily and nodded. "If you still have some strenght then it would be great."

Error looked at him and went to the kitchen. He came back after a while carrying two cups and putting them on the table. He spotted Reaper patting his laps and gladly sat on them, but before that he handed him the tea and then he took one for himself.

They sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying their finally free time. Both of them were beyond tired and they knew that the nap was in the aftermath, or perhaps a long sleep. Error yawned followed by Reaper. Yeah, definitely a long sleep.

Reaper finished his drink and wrapped his arms around Error's waist him gladly cuddling closer. The destroyer sipped on the liquid, while Reaper started slowly and tiredly kissing his neck making Error melt.

The other skeleton finished as well and turned around making them both fall and lay side by side on the couch. They both wrapped their arms around each other just enjoying being together.

Reaper briefly thought that they should go to the bedroom for a sleep, but honestly he didn't have any energy left to do so. However as he did, Error looked him in the eyes and as if he was reading his mind, he teleported them on their bed.

They both quickly went under the covers and without even sharing a word curled together keeping the other close.

Under this conditions sleep will surely follow, but for now they just cuddled, enjoying each other's presence not only now, but also in their lives.

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