Locked together [Dust x Cross]

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A request for Shifty_Shade. Hope it's good.


"So what if I did? Huh?! It's for everybody! Not only you!" Dust shouted, a flare of magic coming from his eye.

"No!" Cross screamed back, equally angry. "You knew it was mine! I claimed it in front of everyone, but of course you didn't listen! Or worse even, you did that on purpose!"

"Ha! Me?! You must be delusional!"

"Delusional?! Maybe you're just an idiot!?"

Nightmare pinched his nose in annoynace, as he observed Dust and Cross arguing from a distance. When he brought the latter into the group, he wasn't expecting such chaos. He didn't understand why Dust acted the way he did towards the other. He was usually peaceful when it came to this sort of things.

Either way it was really starting to piss him off. At first it wasn't so noticable, but as the time passed the two seemed to fight over the stupidest things. Dust seemed to get angry at anything that Cross did at this point, and Cross always argued back. Even now, he was sure that they were fighting over something trivial.

Nightmare looked around himself. Horror was not there, even though he was sure he had been a minute ago. He must have teleported away. Honestly, Nightmare didn't blame him. He noticed Killer, who was climbing up the stairs while covering the sides of his skull in annoyance. The only one who remained was Error, who was messing with the strings in his hands. He looked like he tried not to explode from irritation, but Nightmare could tell that his patience was wearing thin.

He needed to do something. Fast.

"Oh yeah? And I'm supposed to believe that?! As if!" Cross shouted. Truthfully, he was getting tired from all this yelling, but he couldn't lose against Dust. The hooded skeleton has been getting on his nerves for a long time, for no reason at all.

"Yes! Everyone with a br-!" Dust didn't end his sentence, as he felt a tentacle wrapping around himself. One glance and he saw that Cross was in a similar situation. It wasn't hard to guess what happened. "B-boss?! What the hell?"

Nightmare looked up at the two skeletons, which he was holding.

"I have had enough of your bickering. So I thought of a fun, little idea that will help you get along." His voice was calm, however his eyes not so much. Cross gulped, not sure what to expect.

Meanwhile, Nightmare walked closely to some room and threw the two inside, quickly closing the door and locking it.

"Now." He said coldly from the other side. "You two will sit there until you do something, or talk, or whatever and decide to get along."

The two skeletons heard the footsteps, which soon dissapearred. Dust immediately rushed to the door trying desperately to open it, with no success. Damn it, Nightmare was serious.

While Dust was trying furiously to find a way out, Cross sat quietly against the wall. It wasn't hard to judge that they were forced to be here. Together. Ugh, what a cliche.

"Ngh! Great, now we're really stuck. And this is all your fault!" Dust barked.

"My fault???" Cross stood up angered. "Remeber who started all of this? You!"

And with that the arguing started all over again.

But everyone has their limit and after almost half an hour, they both feel to the floor exhausted.

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