Aftermath [Bad Sans Poly]

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Requested by GayBudgieOneOhOne.


What was the best way to spend time after killing everyone in an AU? Apparently the answer is to have a snowball fight in Snowdin.

It all started with Killer and Dust, but soon Cross and Horror also joined. After a while and some requesting even Error joined, which was quite an achievement since he was usually not the one to participate in anything of this kind. However perhaps getting Nightmare to join was even more amazing, thought it wasn't that hard since he was in a really good mood from all the recent negativity.

Snowballs were flying from all the directions now, making it almost impossible to dodge them, so the best strategy was to just make your own and hope that they hit someone during that chaos.

Horror laughed when Killer got hit by one of his shots, but soon fell over when a different one collided with him. At the other side, Error quickly hid behind Cross to use him as a shield from the incoming attack.

"Really?" Cross grinned playfully as he turned to face him, showing his clothes which were covered in snow.

"Whaat? You guys made me join, it's not my fault." Error smiled innocently.

Cross just rolled his eyes, when suddenly he got tackled by Dust from behind, making him and Error yelp in surprise.

"Ah, Dust! What the hec-" Cross didn't finish since Dust got off of him and smirked.

"I have a plan."

"Oh, what plan?" Error asked while throwing a few new-made snowballs on his own.

"You see Nightmare? The bastard has his tentacles, so he's got quite the advantage." Dust pointed to the goopy skeleton, making the two look at him as well. Nightmare was indeed doing better then others, his tendrils being able to make more snowballs or act as a shield.

"He sure does." Cross agreed while Error just nodded.

"Well, we should unite and attack him all at once! I already told Horror and Killer and they agreed. Soo what do you say?"

Cross and Error looked at each other and nodded in unision.

"Great. Just keep doing what you're doing right now, I will give the signal." After that Dust quickly ran off, trying to dodge the flying snow.

Error huffed in amusement. He couldn't believe he was doing something so silly. But for some reason everytime when he was with his boyfriends, he felt this kind of happiness that made him do things he normally wouldn't. He started making as many snowballs as possible, throwing a few not to appear suspicious.

Suddenly a loud scream could be heard. "Attack!"

Error noticed everyone stopping their attacks and charging at Nightmare with full hands and quickly joined.

Nightmare looked confused for a second, but quickly caught on and wore a determined look on his face.

Error gulped a bit. "This won't end well." It didn't stop him though.

The assault started, but Nightmare being ready, shielded himself with his extra limbs and before any of them could do anything more, they found themselves up in the air, wrapped in the tentacles, their hands now empty from the sudden grab.

They looked down, only to see Nightmare smirking at them.

"You really though that this was a good idea?"

"Hey! To be honest it was Dust's idea." Killer huffed and Horror nodded eagerly in agreement.

" all agreed to it! I didn't say you have to." Dust tried to protect himself and Error couldn't help but to agree, as he got comfortable in the hold.

Nightmare only smirked at them again, who knows, maybe if he wasn't prepared they would have succeeded. For now though they definitely needed to go home. As the adrenaline wore off, he could see some of his boyfriends shiver from the cold and he himself was feeling it too.

"Alright, we're going home, it's too damn cold." He opened a portal and carried the five skeletons with him.

Once they were inside their castle, they could really feel the contrast between the temperatures and started shivering a bit more, however relieved to be inside.

Nightmare rubbed his arms to warm up and put the rest on the ground, who immediately copied his action.

"Okay, I knew it was cold outside, but I didn't realize it was that cold." Cross muttered.

"I mean, we were moving most of the time, so no wonder we only feel it now..." Error added as he got closer to the group for extra warmth.

"And we were there for quite a long time now that I think about it." Horror mentioned, as he looked at the clock.

They all instinctively huddled as close together as possible.

"Ok, I suggest hot chocolate and cuddles, anyone got something against it?" Nightmare looked at them all and just as he thought no one protested. "Great, I will go to the kitchen then."

"I will help you." Horror quickly proposed and after Nightmare nodded, they connected their hands and went to the kitchen.

"Then I will find some blankets." Cross said as he immediately turned around, ready to find something warm.

"Wait! I will go too, the faster the better." Killer exclaimed as he ran after him.

Error looked around, it looked like only he and Dust stayed. He silently hoped they would come back soon, he was shivering quite a bit.

"Error?" He turned his head to look at Dust, who was opening his arms for him and understanding his gesture, Error ran close to him, hugging him tightly and felt Dust hug him in return. Now that was a good way to warm up.

They didn't say anything and just stayed like this, feeling their shivering gradually lessen. Error felt Dust rub his back and blushed, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

Finally Killer and and Cross came back with some fuzzy blankets and unfolded them on the couch. Seeing that, Dust led himself and Error to the couch and they both quickly made themselves comfortable under them and after that immediately came back to hugging.

Observing it all, Killer and Cross joined, and both sat on Dust's right side. Cross wrapped his arms around Killer and Dust keeping them near himself.

Error sighed calmly, getting as close to Dust as possible, when suddenly he felt the couch drop on his left side and a taller skeleton sitting next to him. Without unwrapping his arms, he turned to see Horror and Nightmare, the latter was handing out the mugs with his tentacles. He somewhat reluctantly let go of Dust and took his, but was quickly rewarded when he felt the hot dish in his hands and felt the warmth traveling through his bones.

"Thank you two." Cross smiled at Nightmare and Horror as he took the first sip. Others added their own thanks, making the two skeletons blush softly.

At some point Error felt Horror's arm wrap around his shoulders and gently made him lean on him. Error didn't protest and just leaned snuggly on his boyfriend, still drinking the hot liquid he was given.

The comfortable silence fell between them all, as everyone continued their drinks. When everyone fishined they all put their mugs on the table and without words got closer to each other, trying not to leave any gaps.

Error leaned further on Horror and wrapped his arms around him, hiding his face in his chest with a pleased noise. Not long after, he felt him cuddle him too and a second pair of hands which wrapped around his middle.

After a while everyone found themselves in a cuddle pile, hugging one another and ocassionaly exchanging some tired kisses.

Error could feel himself slowly falling asleep, as a soft kiss was planted on his skull.

He might not be the biggest fan of outdoors activities, but if they were to end like this, then he guessed he didn't mind one bit.

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