Go to sleep or else... [Error x Dream/Insomnia]

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This was done as a request for TheSinningRacoon I hope it's good.


The sound of the opening door could be heard and somebody's voice screaming, "Error! I'm home!"

Dream's voice.

Error jumped up at the sound, not exactly expecting it, but then he remebered that he came back from his sleepover with Ink and Blue. He gathered himself and realised that he has been looking at a wall for some time. Well... He teleported into the entrance hallway and saw his boyfriend.

"Hi Dream."

Dream opened his arms inviting him for a hug. When Error realised that, his face flushed a little, but he came closer and let Dream's arms wrap around himself and kiss him on the cheek. He was so...comfortable, he could almost feel himself falling asleep.

"Umm, Error?"

The black skeleton quickly opened his eyes and realised that he had indeed almost dozed off and must have been like that for a minute. He immediately let go of Dream and smiled nervously.

"Uhh...yeah?" His eyes were avoiding Dream's face.

"Are you feeling alright? You almost fell asleep there." The positive skeleton raised his eyebrow and looked at the other carefully.

"Yeah sorry, you're just comfy..." Error's voice faded a little at the end of the sentence.

However Dream just giggled and seemingly accepted this answer.

"Soo...what were you up to when I was gone?" Asked Dream.

"Oh, I knitted a little, ate some chocolate... and watched TV for a while..." Error answered a little hesitantly. While he did all of thses things, he mostly just stared into a wall or other objects. He didn't sleep last night as well as some nights before and couldn't keep his focus on anything.


Having said that he was exhausted, but tried not to show it. He didn't need to sleep in the anti-void and now that he was out of this place he wasn't planning on starting, even if his body was begging him to.


He saw the signs. His body hasn't been doing the thinks he intended: his eyes were closing for too long and too often, whenever he was comfortable he felt his brain shutting off, and he sometimes didn't realise that he has been doing something unless a few minutes passed.


"H-huh?" The said skeleton jumped a little at the sudden scream, however his mind lagged behind.

"Are you sure you're feeling fine? You have almost dozed off, again." Dream asked in a concerned tone. He saw Error acting like that few days before, but wasn't that suspicious. However when he didn't stop later, he realised that his boyfriend seemed as if he didn't sleep. He wasn't 100% sure, but close enough. That was one of the reasons he left for one night. Perhaps Error was too uncomfortable to sleep with anybody else, he did spent most of his life in the separation after all. Well, it didn't seem to be the case.

In the meantime Error's brain has finally caught on. He remembered that Dream said something but couldn't recall what exactly. Even though it was just a second ago...


Dream sighed, frowned and looked at the other. Just then did he saw the bags under Error's eyes and the lack of sleep itself in his eyes. He was definitely right.

Before the glitching skeleton realised, Dream teleported them to his room and sat them both on the bed.

"Error, please tell me why you haven't slept recently?" Dream's voice was crude, but worried.

Error on the other hand looked up at him surprised. "I-why do you think I haven't?"

"Ruru please, you act differently, you have bags under you're eyes and you almost fell asleep on me today. Twice! Just tell me." The guardian of positivity put his hand on his shoulder.

"Ugh, because I don't want to! I didn't do that before and I'm not planning to do it now. Sleep is for the weak." Error said in an irritated tone. He wasn't going to sleep.  Period.

Dream just massaged his temples and sighed. His boyfriend could be so stubborn sometimes. "So you're not planning to go to sleep?"


"Fine, let's do it the other way."

Before Error could realise, he was forced under the covers and felt Dream wrap his arms around his waist making him squeal.

"W-what are you doing? Let me go!" Error demanded while trying to wiggle out of the embrance. He definitely wasn't in the condition to put up any fight though.

"Keeping you in place. And I'm going to continue that until you fall asleep." Dream announced tightening his grasp and putting one hand on his back bringing him closer. Error might be fighting now, but with the little energy he had left that sure wasn't going to last for too long.

Error just groaned and continued his actions. But surely enough, soon after he grew tired of it. Being cuddled was...nice and comforting and he could feel just how exhausted he has been. He looked at his lover with tired eyes and tried to say something, but it came out as a mumble.

"Shh Error, go to sleep." Dream whispered as his hand stroke his back. He could see his arms hugging him back and smiled at that. Seems like Error was giving up.

"Mmmmm." The glitching skeleton moaned quietly and leaned into the touch, his face unconsciously leaned into the other's chest.

It looked like he was at the edge of falling asleep and Dream decided to do one more thing that would help him relax.

Error gasped when he felt one of the hands
scratch gently the side of his skull, where his ear would be if he had any. The other hand was still rubbing his back and he melted into both touches seconds away from sleeping.

Dream saw that and not stopping his hands, kissed him on the forehead and that's when Error finally closed his eyes falling into the dream world.

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