I will help you...somehow [Classic x Horror]

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This one-shot was requested by Depresso-Boi-Classic.


Horror ran as fast as he could. Finally after many days, he has been found by the police. He knew they would come, he just didn't know when. They were after him for some time now, always losing him and then finding him again.

He looked behind his shoulder. A lot of cops were after him, he had to do something. Fast.

He run alonside a street, turning in different directions as often as possible, hoping it would help him escape. However he couldn't run forever, so after making sure that no cop was near him, he quickly hid behind some trash cans in a nearby alley.

He caught his breath, kneeling and resting his hands on his legs. He continued that for a while before he heard somebody.

"Split up! We must be somewhere here! We have to catch him, he's a murderer!"

"Shit." Horror thought, looking around for an alternative way of escaping. Unfortunately there was none and he considered trying to run from the alley and pass the cops.

Before he could make his decision though, there were heard footsteps near his hiding place.

Horror inhaled, getting ready to fight. He couldn't get caught!

The footsteps were closer and closer as Horror's body tensed more.





The skeleton almost pounced himself on whoever was now looking at him, having discovered his hiding place. However he stopped himself in the last moment, when someone else yelled.

"Classic?" It sounded like they were at the beginning of the alley. "Is he there? Have you found him?"

"I..." the cop who was looking directly at him spoke, while Horror growled quietly at him. "No, he's not here."

The hole-headed looked at him completely dumbfounded. He was right in front of him, what was happening?

"Damn it! Nobody can find him. Let's go, he has do be somewhere here!" The male's voice from before said irritated.

The skeleton whose name was apparently Classic looked at Horror nervously once again.

"Y-yeah, I'm coming."

The male quickly left and before Horror could ask Classic what on Earth was going on, he whispered anxiously.

"S-stay here, I'm not going to hurt you, or catch you or anything. Just please wait here, if-if you come out the others will find you."

Horror stared at him with wide-opened eyes before regaining his posture.

"What? What the hell do you mean?! Why are you doing this?"

There was a break before the other skeleton whispered again, looking down. "Because I want to help you."

Horror looked at him like he was crazy, but before he could say anything he was interrupted.

"I really need to go now. P-please stay here,  I will return and help you." And after that he ran away.

For the next minute or so, the fugitive was looking at the place where the other was standing just a while ago.

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