Delayed love [Reaper x Geno/ Afterdeath]

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Requested by: thatperson7475


Geno sighed as he rubbed his temples. Lately his emotions have been really...messed up and it always got worse whenever he was alone with his thoughts. He hid his face in his arms, which he had leaned on his knees, to separate himself from the vast blackness of the save screen.

His heart skipped a beat as he realized that it was almost time when Reaper would visite him, like he did everyday. Even though there were no clocks in his current home, he could tell that, due to being so used to these visits.

He wasn't wrong. After a few more minutes a portal opened and a very characteristic skeleton came through.

"Hi Geno." He said, though his face lacked his normal grin he welcomed him with. It dissapeared around a week ago and haven't came back since.

Geno just gave a welcoming nod after trying to say 'hello', but giving up, worrying that his voice may sound uneven.

"So, how have you been today?" Reaper asked the usual question, already knowing the answer.

Geno just shrugged, while Reaper sat next to him on the ground, though the distance was definitely a bit bigger then normally. Realizing that he should probably say something he mumbled "Fine, I guess."

"Yeaaah, I suppose not a lot of things happen in the save screen. But you know, yesterday I had a soul to reap in this newly created universe..."

With that Reaper started describing the new AU. Like always he was the one to do most of the talking, especially when it came to things different then their personal opinion or emotions. This time however, Geno wasn't exactly listening to him, his mind wandering.

Around a week or so ago Reaper...confessed that he loves him and definitely not like a friend. Geno was shocked to say the least. Sure, they had known each other for a long, long time and have been one another's almost only company. Plus, from time to time Reaper would carry some flirty reamarks. However, the Aftertale skeleton never took them as a hint that he actually liked him. Well, that was until that day. Truth being told, he also had a small crush on him...ok no, he absolutely loved him. Despite that, when Reaper shared his feeling and asked him to be his boyfriend, in a rush of panic he told him no. He quickly corrected himself and told him that he needed to think about it.

And that's how it is now. A week has passed and Geno didn't even mention that. It's not that he didn't want to be in a relationship with him, it's just...he was scared of being close to someone again. After all, last time he was, he lost all of his friends and family. And now it came to the point when he didn't know how to mention it again.

He could tell that Reaper was sadder. He tried to keep his usual facade, but after such a long time Geno could tell it was fake. He saw how he looked at him and the ocassional blush on his face. At least he had a proof that Reaper wasn't messing with him.

He has been thinking about all of this for the past week, deciding all the perks and cons and still wasn't sure. He eyed his friend who was talking. His thoughts filled with all the memories they made together and he felt his face heating up. He was such a good friend to him, even if Geno often told him to go away, he still stayed. He was so beautiful. So lovely.

"Speaking of AUs, I really think that you should get out of this place, you know I can-."

"I love you too." Geno quickly spat out, interrupting Reaper mid-sentence.

Reaper's eyes widened at the sudden words, as he completely forgot what he was talking about. Meanwhile Geno swallowed and decided to share his feeling, until he still had the courage.

"I'm sorry that I said 'no' before. I-I didn't mean it. I would actually really like to be your b-boyfriend. It's just that, I was so shocked and unsure and didn't know if I should be close to anyone. I know it took me a long time, but-"

He wasn't able to finish as Reaper stopped him, putting his finger on his mouth, shushing him gently. His eyes were still wide, but a small smile made its way onto his face.


"Yeah, yes, I really mean it." Seeing Reaper's expression Geno couldn't help, but smile himself.

"So will you be my boyfriend?" The cloaked skeleton repeated the question from a week ago, but this time his voice was much more hopeful".


Reaper caressed his cheek and pulled him into a hug, both of them blushing happily. Both of them also enjoying the closeness, after this time of awkwardness and distance between them.

As much as he enjoyed the touch, Reaper pulled away deciding that there were even more important things now.

"Hey, I tried to say that before, buuut someone decided to interrupt me." Geno just playfully rolled his eyes. "However, would you like me to take you out of this place to a normal AU? Forever?"

Geno sighed. He had proposed this idea also before, but he was never sure. Save screen might be black and empty, but this is where his friends lived.

"I won't make you leave, but..."

"No, you're right. This is my AU and it will always be a special place to me, but there is no reason to stay here. I don't have anyone here anymore."

"But you have me." Reaper said encouragingly, grabbing his hand.

His new boyfriend was a bit startled, but returned the gesture. "Yeah, I guess I do."

"So shall we get going?"

Geno nodded taking a last glance on the save screen.

Reaper opened a portal and soon they both were standing on the ground covered with snow. Geno looked around trying to get his eyes used to the sight and cold air, which was slightly new and yet familiar.

In that moment he felt Reaper wrap his arms around his waist, turning him around to face him. He looked up at him, but when Reaper started closing the space between them he eagerly did the same.

And here, in this familiar background, they shared their first kiss so full of longing for acceptance and for each other.

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