I love you, I must beat you up [Ink X Dream X Error/Inksomnia]

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Akakakaakkaaakaoasoa skeletonenjoyer


"Dr-eam…" He was lucky, so very fortunate to land next to him. If it was any meter further away they wouldn't be able to talk with one another at all.

"Error…" The said skeleton had to strain his neck to hear the almost whispers, even if each and every bone burned with effort.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

They lay in a puddle of blood and marrow for what felt like a limbo of eternity and nothingness. The minutes passed so slowly, it felt unreal...

"Are you… alright?"

"Not in the slightest." Error chuckled, his voice glitching beyond belief. Oh, Sanses were known for smiling even in the hardests of times, weren't they?

"I'm sorr-."

"Now you're doing it."

"Oh, sorr-, I mean, yeah, you're right."

Error couldn't understand in the slightest how the other managed to do it, but somehow, he crawled just close enough to be right next to him, only to face plant into the cold snow.

"Where's… nghh." The moves seemed to have tired him out completely and the destroyer didn't blame him. He could practically feel himself losing and regaining his consciousness repeatedly. He genuinely had no idea how much time had passed before he replied.

"I don't… know. I hit him… Somewhere… And he…” The rest of the words were a glitched mumble that Dream really couldn't even begin to understand no matter how hard he tried. He doubted Error was fully aware of what he was saying either.

"Those awful creators… Scripting everything for us, not even a chance to fight back…"

"…Fight? We fight alright. With each other that is."

Oh, the situation was almost comical. If only Dream was able to laugh at it. He wasn't. For such a long time he just… couldn't. So instead, he appreciated the other's broken laughter that was cut short due to him losing his breath.

"Dream…" The said skeleton didn’t respond, so Error just closed his eye sockets. However, instead of finding comfort amongst the chaos, he found fear. "I don't understand. Why are we fighting?" He couldn’t see him. He tried to summon some strength, he truly did, but he just… wasn't able. Has Dream disappeared? Was he never even there in the first place…? Where was Ink? Has he killed him? "…Dream?" He asked silently. All he could see were some singular specks of snow fluttering in the air. He couldn't think. Has the guardian died? No, they were immortal for a reason. Using an ounce of strength he didn't know he had he turned to the side, but even before his skull hit the ground, the darkness welcomed him, though even this blackness didn’t seem amused. "Heh..."

The next stimuli that brought them back were very loud, very unceremonious groans.

"Shut up…!"

"Error, buddy, so nice to see you!"

"..." For once, Error didn't have the energy to try and fake his dislike. "So happy to see that you’re alive too, Dream."



"I'm Ink, Glitchy!" The protector's cheerful laughter wasn't exactly as joyful as it should have been or maybe Error was just imagining things. He could hear his voice on his right side, yet, it appeared distant. Then again, Ink was pretty skillful when it came to being loud.

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