It's all just a bad dream [Nightmare and Classic]

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This one is for: mehfigure


Moon shone through the windows as Nightmare went down the corridor, where all of his friends had their rooms and were currently sleeping peacefully, or at least that's what he hoped for. He quietly opened the first door – Killer's – and checked inside, waiting for a while, as if something bad was supposed to happen. Nothing this time, good.

He remembered how his gangmates told him that he doesn't have to worry that much and check on them every single night, but he still felt obligated, especially now that they had a new member. 

Next was Dust, he went in, waited and after being sure that he was sleeping soundly, exited.

Nightmare couldn't just bring himself not to check on others, he knew how restless nights could be on his friends, especially since none of them were exactly mentally sound. Even if better now, nightmares could still happen, or panic attacks, or basically anything else that induces bad emotions. Yes, they did fuel him, but with the amount of just your simple, everyday negativity coming from the entire multiverse he could manage, especially since it was night, he didn't need to be stronger right now.

He checked on Horror, Cross and Error and after receiving nothing bad, he stood in front of the door to the last room. The skeleton occupying the room behind them was Classic, their newest addition. At first thought, he didn't exactly fit in the group called Bad Sanses, but to be honest none of them exactly did, since none were actually evil. Sure, he killed Frisk more than a few times, but in his situation who wouldn't? It still wasn't really villain-like, even if few monsters could probably argue with that. But he wasn't there because of any accusations like that, not at all. Actually, Nightmare was the one who proposed him a place within his little group, after seeing his pretty miserable destiny. He couldn't leave him like that… If he did, it would become another Dustale, or perhaps Killertale, either way Classic wouldn't be able to go like that forever and having both Dust and Killer in his gang, Nightmare knew what consequences it would have.

After a bit of wondering he came inside. Since the time the original Sans joined, he didn't have to intervene at night, so he expected that one to be the same, but his expectations weren't met once he saw Classic tossing on his bed, muttering something under his breath and taking uneven inhales. These definitely weren't good signs, he didn't need to be an expert to see that, although he kind of was one anyway.

He quickly grabbed a chair with his tentacles and put it next to the bed, sitting on it. Just as he was about to try to wake Sans up, the said skeleton swiftly sat up on his bed.

"No--!" He screamed with his eyes wide-opened and some sweat dripping down his forehead. After he realised that it was a dream and he was actually in a dark room in Nightmare's mansion, he calmed down a little, but his heavy breaths still stayed. He tried to calm himself down, until he felt a hand firmly grasping his shoulder, making him let out a raspy yelp.

"Hey, hey." The voice which he recognized as Nightmare's said calmly. "It's alright, it was just a nightmare. It’s not happening."

Classic turned to look at him with uneasiness filled eyes, as he was still breathing rapidly. "What…? Oh…yeah, right." He looked down at his arms, allowing Nightmare’s hand to rest on his shoulder, until his fists suddenly clenched. "Wait, no! It wasn't…it's not…"

"What happened? You can tell me." The dark skeleton spoke, as he got more concerned about his well-being, but the other just looked at him.

"Nightmare, what are you even doing here?" He asked hesitantly, since he wasn't aware of the gang leader's nightly rounds.

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