Hideout [Error x Dream/Insomnia]

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Requsted by Faction_Error_Rune


"Error! I made some supper, do you want to eat?!" Dream's voice could be heard throughout his entire house. It definitely should have been heard inside the other's assigned room at least, but there was no answer from him.

The guardian of positivity frowned as he started walking towards where Error should have been. Perhaps he was lost in his thoughts again or left for a while? Dream has tried to persuade him to give him at least a word of warning whenever he wanted to get out, but it wasn't always easy getting through to the former destroyer. Still, Dream was determined.

"Error? Are you in there?" He knocked on the door and listened closely. Once again he didn't receive a response, but instead heard something else. Upon further examination it appeared to be some unintelligible words. That made Dream's gears starts turning. Was his housemate talking with the voices? Last time he checked they didn't bother him, but then again it wouldn't be surprising if it turned out that Error lied about that.

Deciding that mental health was more important than his privacy at the moment, Dream bursted through the door to the darkly painted room. There he found what looked like a skeleton shaped lump laying under the covers on the bed. He slowly and methodically partially uncovered it, only to be greeted with the skeleton he was looking for.

A worried gasp escaped his lips. He of course knew who he would find, but wasn't ready for how. Error was in a fetal position, fiddling with his fingers and wide-eyed, which looked really hazy. His frame was shaking slightly and incoherent mumbles spilled from his mouth.

"Error...?" Dream asked hesitantly, noting that he didn't show a single sign of registering his presence. He kneeled in front of him, trying to make out what he was saying.

"I'm so fucking stupid, I, I didn't..."

"I shouldn't have... why... did I... kill..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"I should have been the one to die, why, why, why didn't he kill me?!"

Dream's expression was even more worried than before. He had an idea of what he was talking about, though he has never seen Error in such a state of guilt. He knew that he had to stop it and since talking alone didn't reach him, he would have to use alternative options.

He quickly slammed the covers back onto Error only leaving his skull visible and put his gloved hand onto where he could feel his shoulder. Dream waited a few more seconds just in case and gripped it firmly in a comforting manner. Or at least he hoped it would come out like that.

"Hey Error, it's me. It's all not true. You didn't know any better. It's all good now, really." He continued to speak consoling nothings, until the glitch eventually went silent and stopped shaking completely.

"..." Error opened his mouth, but said nothing as his eyes focused back to reality. As soon as he blinked, a few tears of exhaustion trailed from his sockets. He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly a few more times, before finally a hoarse "Dream?" came out.

"It's me. You're okay now, I promise." The gold-clothed skeleton gave the friendliest smile he could muster right now. "Are you feeling better n-?"

"Why did you decide to take me in?" Error suddenly interrupted him, his eyelights now drilling into Dream's. "For all you know I could kill you at any given moment. I did that before to others, so if I wanted to, I could. What made you think that a destroyer like me, a mistake like me, could be better?!" His voice was getting faster and faster. "Who welcomes a murderer inside their house?! Willingly! So why, why did you do it? I should be dead, I-I-."

"Because I know that everybody has a reason for their wrongdoings and I intend to get rid of them." Dream answered without skipping a beat, surprising both Error and himself in that moment. He coughed in order to regain the confident tone. "I mean, I know that what you did was wrong, but I don't even think that fully blaming you for this would be reasonable. You were insane after all, unsurprisingly too. You spent literal years inside a blank space, without an exit. Completely alone, without a single thing or person to distract you. Without memories of who you are, or how you got there, or even if anybody else exists somewhere. And then of course were the voices. If that's not a proof that you went insane, than I don't know what is. Even if...
er... uncanny, your actions are still understandable." Error's attention was now fully on him. "And to be honest, since you're a Sans, wouldn't every other Sans react the same way as you?" Dream looked intently at the other, who now had an almost intrigued expression on his face. "But if we all have potential to be evil like you used to be, then you also have potential to be good and happy. Especially since you didn't want to be a destroyer. Not really."

Error was silent. He wasn't expecting such passionate speech, yet alone one that actually made some sense to him. It might have not been enough to calm his guilty consciousness completely, but for now it should suffice. Perhaps that's why Dream has let him, or rather almost forced him at the beginning, to live with him. Because that way he wouldn't be alone and further progress his insanity. The guardian didn't even tell anybody about this, not even Ink. Error was given a lot of answers and even more questions, which placed themselves inside of his head, but besides that, it seemed that Dream actually succeded in calming him down.

"I guess..."

The room went silent again, but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. Rather it was one during which both skeletons' minds worked hard to process all the emotional impact of the moment. Error even let Dream rub his shoulder through the covers, for once finding it weirdly comforting. In that moment the latter remembered what led him into that room.

"So," He started, with a much lighter air around them "are you perhaps hungry? I made some food and I assumed you were."

Error started at him for a second. Now that Dream mentioned that, he felt his ever growing hunger.

"I guess, but maybe in a while, I don't really feel like moving." The trip downstairs just seemed so exceedingly exhausting at the moment to him. He would teleport, but that required even more of precious energy, which he didn't have.

However it seemed that his words fell on deaf ears, because once he turned to look at Dream he was no longer there.

"What the hell?" Error grimaced. "Why-?"

"I'm back, I'm back." Dream reappeared right in front of him at once, but this time with a plate of food in his hands. The sight made Error rise his brow. "I figured since you wouldn't go to the food, then the food should go to you. That way you can eat here and maybe even watch Undernovela while you do it." He smiled like he just did the grandest thing ever... Maybe he did.

Error grabbed the dish being handed to him and eyed it for a while before nodding and opening a portal overlooking his favourite show.

Seeing the other settled, the house owner went to leave, but before he could do so he was surprised to feel a shaky hand on his back. Prompted, he looked back at Error.

"You, eh, can stay with me... If you want to?"

Dream's gaze softened hearing the hesitant question. Needless to say he stayed. Perhaps that was Error's way of saying 'thank you'.

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