Definitely interesting [Ink x Geno]

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This one-shot was requested by FandomLover8360.


Ink was sitting in his doodle sphere, looking blankly at the floor. Normally he would be patrolling AUs at that time, but not today.

Recently he and Error have broke up. It was nobody's fault really, but it still hurt Ink. Actually, that was a bit of an understatement. He was not only hurt, he was depressed. Eventually it was too hard to continue living with this sadness. Fortunately for him his feelings were artificial.

All he had to do was to stop taking his vials, or drink very little of them. Today was one of these days when he used the second option.

He was...empty, only a bit of sadness lingering. Ink tapped his fingers replaying his memories with Error. We wasn't sure why he was doing it, it just happened.

Ink didn't really know what to do with himself. Actually, he hasn't done anything in a past couple of days. He could go somewhere, but why? What was the sense? Everything felt so blank now.

A few minutes passed...then half an hour...then an hour...

Nothing really changed besides Ink's thoughts, which decided to match with him and become empty.

Suddenly, there was heard a soft crying. Ink stopped his sulking to listen. He slowly got up, sighing. It's not that he cared, but he was curious.

He wandered around the doodle sphere looking for the source of crying. After a while the noise got louder. Ink tilted his head in the direction of the sound, seeing on of the AU's island. Ah.

"Aftertale?" He asked nodoby.

He looked at the AU with small eyelights. Should he go? It might entertain him, but he was still fond of just sitting and doing nothing.

He decided to go. After all, if it wasn't interesting enough he can just return. With that thought he opened a portal and came through it.

The view was surprising. The AU was nothing but a save screen. In the middle of it all was sitting and crying some Sans. And part of his face was covered by glitches. Glitches...

Ink shook his head and came closer to the skeleton, who must have not noticed him yet.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" Ink asked looking down at him.

The Sans jolted upright. His crying paused, as he eyed Ink with wide eyes.

"I...uhh, w-who are you?" He asked surprised, still looking at the other, apparently taken aback by his presence.

"I'm Ink. I help making AUs and protect them." Ink stated matter-of-factly. He wasn't in the mood for long introductions, if he was in any mood at all. "But I don't remember this one. Well, there's too much for me to remember anyway."

"..." The other skeleton looked at him, processing the informations. "I'm Geno." He said slowly. The existence of other AUs was not that weird to him. He had messed with the timelines before. It was still quite unbelievable thought. And this Ink person was the first one he saw in here for a long time. It was...kind of amazing.

"Why were you crying?" Ink repeated monotonously and sat next to him.

Geno winced a little. This all was beyond unusual. And the expression he was wearing was...something else. However he didn't know for how long he would stay. And if he leaves, when will be the next time someone comes to this cursed place? He might as well tell him. Got nothing to lose.

"Well, I...I have been trapped in this save screen after in my AU. I have no idea how long it has been since then, I have been just stuck here. With nodoby or anything. You, err, you're the first person who 'visited' me here. I was lonely...and scared." Geno finished looking down.

Ink rose the brow at him, feeling a small wave of sadness hit him out of nowhere. How?

But this feeling of loneliness...of being trapped. It spoke to him.

Geno blinked at his short change of facial expression.

"Wait! You said you help creating AUs and protect them, right? Can't you let me out of here?" Geno half shouted hopefully. Just maybe he had a chance.

Ink looked at him with half-opened eyes. "Not really. Getting people out of their AUs in a hurry is never a good idea." Geno looked down, new tears gathering in his eyes.

At the sights Ink felt a weird kind of pain in his chest. "W-wait. I said 'in a hurry'. I might be able to do this, but I need to do some preparations outside this AU first."

"...Really?" Geno looked at him somewhat excited. It might not be a guarantee, but it was the most hope he had in a long time.

"Yeah, give me some time. Got nothing better to do. But remember. I'm not sure if it will work-oof!" Ink couldn't properly finish, as he felt the other skeleton hugging him tightly.

"Ack, sorry." Geno let go before he could do anything. "It's just, the first time in forever I heard such good news. I know it might not work but thank you."

Oh wow.

Ink felt some warmth building inside of him as the other smiled.

"I-it's alright." He answered simply, standing up and getting ready to leave. "I should leave now probably."

"W-wait! Ink!" Geno got up, walking to him. "Umm, could you visit me sometimes in the meantime? There's nobody else here anyway..."

Ink's mouth formed an 'o'.  He wasn't expecting him to ask that. What should he say? He could just leave and think about ways of taking him from this place. But then again Geno was a good distraction from his depressing thoughts.

Besides...he didn't feel like leaving him here. Alone. Trapped. Surrounded by nothingness.

"I guess I might."

Geno smiled gently at that. Maybe it wasn't the perfect answer, but...something has changed. Ink's eyelights were still small and white, but he himself looked more...livid? He liked that.

"Thank you." He smiled.

Ink felt his cheeks flushing and he quickly hid them under his scarf. "It's alright. I really should leave now."

Ink created a portal and looked once again at Geno, who just nodded at him. Ink nodded back and stepped to the doodle sphere.

Yeah this was...definitely interesting.

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