Pressing matters [Bad Sans Poly]

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Requested by: Cross1237


The first time Cross introduced Epic, his alleged best friend, the rest didn't care as much. Some, like Killer, grinned wildly at him and gave him a maybe too tight handshake, others, like Nightmare, just stared at him without words. It quickly became clear that Epic was no enemy, so eventually, everybody's guard went down around him. He was by no means trusted by them fully, but enough to be rather chill about seeing him and Cross hang out on their own.

That is until recently.

"Killer, what the hell-?" Before Dust had a chance to finish his question, the said skeleton quickly put his hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

"Shush!" Killer urged quietly, pointing at the two skeletons sitting on the couch in the main living room, watching some weird cartoons. "I'm observing them."

"...Cross and Epic? Why?" Dust whispered back, now kneeling next to his boyfriend on the stairs.

"They are awfully close."

The hooded monster squinted his eyes and tried to focus on the ongoing conversation between the two.

"Check this out, bruh! This scene will be wicked!"

"Dude, no spoilers!"

"Uhh, are they? Where'd you get that idea from? Plus, they are best friends." Dust shrugged.

"Error told me he saw Epic flirting with Cross."

"Wha-? Error?" The other almost laughed. "Yeah, that's because he's a damn stalker. Also, he doesn't understand social cues, so-." Dust's voice came to a halt.

Once Cross turned his head to the side to look for something, Epic moved very close to his face, looking like he was about to kiss him. However, before he was able to proceed with it, his friend turned back and gave him a weird look. From their positions the two skeletons on the stairs could only hear faint, "Sorry, Crossy, you're just so sweet, I couldn't stop myself."

In a matter of milliseconds, Dust and Killer's expressions turned into murderous ones. Cross was their boyfriend! Plus Horror, Error, and Nightmare's. Not Epic's.

"What are you sweetpies doin'?"

Neither of the two got surprised by the new voice, instead turning around to face the newcomer.

"Horror." Killer started with a blank look, "Our boyfriend is currently in the process of being stolen."

"The what?" Horror's brow rose. "What'chu mean?" He didn't want to dismiss such an accusation, however, Killer was known for pranking others from time to time.

Dust seemed to understand his thought process.

"He's not joking this time, Rory, look at these two." He nodded his skull towards the pair on the couch, cueing his eyelights to wander just there. They were talking, watching TV, all that ordinary stuff. That is until Epic wrapped one of his arms around Cross' shoulders and whispered something to him, making the other blush and wave his hand dismissively.

"Oh... Well, that doesn't necessarily mean anythi-."

"Error told Killer that he saw Epic flirt with Cross once." Dust quickly added.

"Did he now?" Horror didn't want to jump to conclusions, but flirting? Nightmare might have been the most possessive in this relationship, but it doesn't mean they would just watch from the sidelines as someone else than them tries to swoon Cross over them.

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