Attention [Nightmare x Blue]

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One-shot requested by EkaDarkness


Nightmare groaned as he stretched his arms, trying to get rid of the stiffness from writing and bending in his chair too much. He has been sitting in his office for what felt like hours, but he couldn't be too sure, since he per usual lost the track of time working on his papers.

The only good thing about this, was that he was somewhat close to finishing and hopefully this will be enough to keep him going for the next hour or so. He took one last, deep breath before going back to work. Or at least that is what he planned, because in that moment the doors to his room suddenly opened and a blue-clothed skeleton quickly stepped through them placing something on the chest of drawers, but before Nightmare could see what that was, Blue had jumped at him hugging him tightly.

He almost let out a surprised squeak, but composed himself in time.

"Blue? Is everything alright? You know that I'm busy right now." He sighed, but returned the gesture.

"I know, but you have been sitting here for hours and I started missing you Nighty." The goopy skeleton's face covered in faint blush. He coughed to hide his embarrassment.

"If it makes you feel better I'm close to the end."

"Really?" Blue asked enthusiastically, finally letting him go. "Then I guess I should have brought this sooner."

At that Nightmare tilted his head in his seat, wordlessly asking what he meant.

"Ah, here." Blue came closer to the chest of drawers and took the item which he left there before, giving Nightmare a clear sight of what it was.

Blue put the cup of coffee on the desk near the stack of papers.

"Thanks, it will still be very useful, believe me" Nightmare smiled and to Blue's delight brought him by tentacles for another short hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry that I haven't given you much attention lately."

Blue blushed and nodded. "Don't worry about it, I know that you have your stuff to do." Truthfully speaking he would love if Nightmare spent more time with him, he was his boyfriend after all, but he also understood that it couldn't happen right now.

Given that Nightmare could feel negative emotions he sensed the slight dissapointment, though even without this ability he would probably see it.

"You know what?" Blue looked up at him curiously. "Let me just finish these last few papers, after that we can cuddle for as long as you want, sounds good?"

His lover's eyes turned to stars as his excited attitude came back. "Ok!" He gave Nightmare a quick, but love-filled kiss on the cheek and now wanting him to finish faster than ever, fled from the room with one last "Just try to not overwork yourself!"

The door shut behind him and Nightmare couldn't help but smile widely, feeling more energized than before.

He wasn't sure how out of every person possible he had fallen in love with Blue's excitable, positive and yet mature personality, which some refused to see, but he sure as hell didn't regret it.

He took a sip of the drink and came back to work.

Finally the cup was empty and the sheets of paper done. Nightmare cracked his knuckles with a satisfied hum. He looked really forward to those cuddles. Trying to put a neutral look on his face he walked down the stairs, only to see Blue already sitting on a couch, most probably waiting for him there since he left the room. The shorter skeleton noticed him coming closer and smiled brightly.

"All done?"

"Yeah." Nightmare sat down next to his boyfriend and gave him a bit of a tired smile, but a genuine one nonetheless. "Alright, come here you."

Blue didn't have to be told twice and he tackled the other down on the cushions.

Nightmare blushed as he shifted his weight and then made Blue lay on top of him, both of them facing up. He wrapped his hands loosely around him and sighed contently.

"Nighty?" Blue started as he laid comfortably.


"I love you." Nightmare almost stuttered, hearing this so suddenly.

"I love you more thought." This time Blue turned around to face his boyfriend and put on his 'pouty face'.

"Nope, I love you more."

"Not true."

"It is though."

"Not possible, I love you the most."

"Well, I love you the mostest."

"I love you the most mostest-"

"I- that's not even a word."

They were quiet for a second while looking playfully into each other's eyes, when out of nowhere they both said "That's ridiculous!" and started laughing like the funniest thing ever has just happened. Nightmare thought that he could at least blame being tired on that, while he heard a few 'mwehehehes'.

After that shared laugh, Blue came back to his previous position, this time taking one of Nightmare's hands into his own and rubbed his sore palm.

Nightmare just wrapped his other arm around him in response. It felt kind of weird, but pleasant at the same time."

"Would you like to hear about my day?" Blue asked closing his eyes, but not stopping his movement.

"Sure darling." Blue smiled hearing that. It wasn't often that Nightmare called him like that, but sometimes he did and it was flattering to say the least.

And so he went about his day, with the other skeleton adding something on his own from time to time, to show that he was listening.

He internally promised himself to find as much free moments in his schedule as possible, to give his boyfriend the time he deserved.

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