A bit of exploring [Error x Blue/Errorberry]

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Requested by Doppelgangercat


"Pleeeease Error. I promise I will stay hidden." Blue tried his best to convince the skeleton standing in front of him. Error sighed, not in annoyance nor anger though. Perhaps telling his friend about endless AUs wasn't the best idea ever.

Sometime ago when they were hanging out he started talking about the alternative worlds, with Blue listening entranced. Of course he heard about them from him before, but not in such details. For example thanks to him he now knew that there were some worlds that were better known than others, or as Error called them, 'more popular.' He was excited to hear that his own world was one of them, but he got especially curious about the other one - Underfell.

Error told him all about it, how violent it was and that the monsters there live by the rule 'kill or be killed.' While it didn't sound welcoming at all, it still fascinated him and he was very curious to see it for himself.

He tried to convince his glitchy friend to take him with him for a while now. He really wanted to see the AU, but he also got some other plans besides that.

"Ugh fine." Error finally gave up. He couldn't deny his request forever. "Just remember, we're staying far away from everyone and don't talk to them."

Blue eagerly nodded his head, while he hesitantly opened a portal to the antagonistic AU. It's not like he cared much, but the white skeleton was from a pretty peaceful AU, especially compared to this one. He peeked through and after seeing no danger stepped on the ground and gestured for his waiting friend to do the same.

On the other side Blue looked around. It seemed like they were in the forest, near the doors to the ruins, which remained closed. So far everything looked similar.

Error pointed to the forest where they could still observe the path, but would be hidden. Remembering the deal Blue nodded and they both headed to be covered by the trees.

They walked mostly remaining quiet, until they spotted Sans sitting at his usual working place.

"This is this world's Sans. He's called Red or Fell or as I like to call him - abomination number 13." Error whispered to him. He did promise to show him the AU after all.

Blue gave him a disapproving look at the end of the sentence before looking at the other him. He certainly looked different and really...nervous? Stressed? Like he was on edge. Poor thing.

"Let's go. He may sometimes look like an anxious mess, but believe me, he can fight."

Blue just nodded. He was really curious about Red, but decided to leave it for later. Besides he wasn't feeling like fighting anyone. He wasn't scared, he had a destroyer on his side, but he also definitely didn't want anybody dying or even getting hurt for no reason.

They started walking again, not much happening in the snowy area. During that longer walk Blue's mind reminded him what he was planning to do after that. And that was confessing to Error. They were good friends for a long time now, some could even say best of friends. They helped each other a lot. Blue especially helped the destroyer with his loneliness. Error didn't show that often, but in some small moments or indirect sentences, Blue could see that he was more than grateful. He also helped him with his haphephobia.

Thinking about this, he took Error's hand in his, making him stop for a while and look at their hands. He then looked at Blue and blusbed slightly, but didn't question it. He sometimes did that to get him used to the touch, though recently he has been doing that more often. He definitely wasn't as scared of it anymore, but lately his friend's touch felt different. In a good way.

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