I will take care of you [Error x Nightmare/Errormare]

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For Silver-Spooky.


A bunch of bones flew through the air, followed by the attacks from Gaster Blasters. Error barely dodged them, sending a few bones on his own. However, they were seemingly weaker than Ink's.

Normally, it would be just one of their usual battles, but today was different. The reason being Error trying his hardest to get rid of as many universes as possible, who didn't pay that much attention to all the attacks Ink threw at him while deleting the code.

Not only did that result in several injuries, but also at some point Error started feeling himself shiver. He was...cold, really cold. And yet, his body felt really heated for some reason. Needless to say it was really uncomfortable, at least that was all he thought at the beginning.

Weakly dodging, Error managed to delete the code and flee from Ink to another AU. However, as soon as he came through the portal his legs wobbled under him and he felt down on his knees and then on his face with a yelp.

"Oww, what happened?" Error muttered to himself. He looked at his legs and spotted many marks on them. "Probably from the bones attacks." He thought. He also saw that his tibia was slightly cracked. It still hurt thought and made it hard to stand up.

Finally he was able to get up and on shaking legs tried to summon his Gaster Blasters, but suddenly felt his head aching pretty badly. He pressed his hands against his skull with an annoyed growl. Not only that, but the snow of the Snowdin appeared too bright to look at it at the moment. What was wrong with him?

Despite his state, Error started slowly destroying whatever AU he was in.

"Quickly, before Ink arrives!"

Error raised his hand to summon his strings, but he felt a pang of pain near his shoulder which caused him to groan in pain. He looked under his sleeve to see a broken humerus. Great another broken bone.

"Error!" An angered scream was heard, as a splash of paint landed on the back of destroyer's skull, making him scream in pain. He furiously tried to clean it off with one hand and screamed when it almost burned again.

He tried to teleport to buy some time, but found himself merely a few steps away from where he was standing before. It was nothing and yet he was panting heavily. But he had to fight.

"Ink! Can't you just leave me alone?! It would be much easier if you let me destroy these pesky universes!" Error tried to sound angry, but his voice was cracking and he felt himself shivering more.

"As if! You leave them alone! They did nothing to you!" The creator screamed back, glaring at the destroyer readying his another attack. He was a tiny bit hesistant though. Error was currently slouching and breathing heavily. And what was with that teleportation a while ago? Well, still the existence of an AU was on the line.

Ink shook his skull and decided to take advantage of him. He teleported fast and banged his giant paint brush on Error's skull, making it crack a little.

The glitching skeleton almost screamed again, but managed to bit his lip and only give out a yelp. Without realising, he fell on the ground. He attempted to summon some kind of attack, but failed. His head just ached so much...

Without a second thought, or looking up at the other, he opened a portal under himself and fell through it, landing on the ground of another AU. He did it 2 more times, making sure that Ink wouldn't find him right away.

Error wanted to get up and destroy, but immediately felt all of his pain at once. Not only his head was making him feel awful and wanting to vomit, but also his whole skull hurt badly. His legs were not in a better condition, making him whimper with each of their move. One of his arms was somehow broken and laying on it almost made him scream. Plus, some of his ribs were bruised, probably along with some other bones, and laying on them was definitely not giving him a good time. In addition his body was still shivering, while at the same time feeling hot.

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