One way or another [Error x Horror]

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For NguytAnNguyn8.
Also they told me to make Error be with whoever, so I chose Horror, because I need more people to ship it.
Enjoy (or not).

It all happened too fast, so fast that it took Error several seconds to register and understand fully. Next to him Horror got practically impaled by Dream's arrow. Destroyer knew that his HP must have been pretty low at this point, but he didn't think it was that low. Then again he also didn't take into consideration that Dream would use his arrows on Horror instead of him. And now...

He was wounded, he was bleeding... he was dusting!

"No!" Error screamed in desperation as he jumped in front of his lover, who was now laying on the ground, looking weaker than ever. Very slowly, very little particles of dust were floating away from his body.

"Error, I..." Horror mumbled so quietly and faintly you could bearly hear it. Especially the skeleton he addressed, who as bad as it sounded, didn't listen to him, his mind focused on stopping him from dusting. Somehow, anyhow.

Oh why did he agree to bring Horror to help him in battle today? Guilt flooded his mind.

A bone attack hit Error, making him realize that no matter what, they couldn't stay here. But there was barely any time left.

Gathering every ounce of his strenght and using adrenaline to his advantage, he pulled his further dusting lover to the Anti-void through the portal. All the while trying his best to ignore Horror's piercingly quiet voice.

"Error... it's not-not going... to work... I'm... sorry... I love you..."

Contrary to what Horror intended, it only strengthened the other's will. Horror loved him, he was most probably the only creature in the whole, wide multiverse that felt any kind of positive emotions towards him. Let alone love. And Error loved him too. In that moment perhaps more than he ever did. He couldn't, he won't let him die.

The last thing he saw before hurriedly closing the portal, was Dream's petrified face.

Horror didn't speak anymore, too weak to move, to talk, to do anything really. He couldn't feel his legs... In what he assumed were his last moments, he slowly placed his hand on Error's leg, who was desperately looking through some code.

"Don't - don't worry Horror, I-I won't let you die!" He exclaimed loudly, probably trying to convince himself more than Horror, whose breaths became more and more shallow with every second.

Error didn't often mess with codes of living monsters, rather AUs. He didn't know if it was possible to keep someone alive by those means, however at the moment he had nothing to lose. He could faintly feel a hand on his leg still there, but so, so weak.

He tried to put Horror's code back together, he tried to put all of his soul back together, he tried using his glitchy magic to help. He attempted absolutely everything his rushing mind could come up with. But it was just so hard to focus, everything looked blurry, everything felt out of place-!

And yet. Finally, somehow, Horror stopped dusting. In his messy state Error burst into tears and hugged what remained of his datemate, which wasn't much. His head, neck and ribcage, along with some of his spine were the only body parts that remained. It was a horrendous sight, but Error didn't care.

He wasn't sure what he did, but if Horror stopped dusting surely he could somehow fix everything else. And even if not, at least he was still-

A groan.


Error's initial happiness stopped once he heard it. It came from the partially dusted monster, but it didn't sound quite right. It appeared weak, but different. Quickly Error pulled himself away from Horror and eyed the... mass?

Every bit of positivity and hope left the black-boned skeleton with a silent gasp.

Horror barely looked like a skeleton anymore. He was melting in various places that still remained, connecting the spots that shouldn't be connected. His eye blank and yet still there, one socket lower than the other. But the worst thing was the scream that rang from him a moment later, only to die out to a quieter groan. And then whimper. And another. He also sounded like he tried his hardest to verbalize some words, but was failing miserably. He wailed as he seemed to try to move, but once again didn't succeed.

Error flinched, his eyes widening, but didn't move away anymore. He was just stuck in shock for a moment, while the... skeleton didn't stop groaning.

"...Horror?" Error asked hesitantly, reaching his hand to him.

However he didn't answer.

No, no, no, no! What has he done?! What- how-?! Horror was now supposed to be this? Error bitterly thought that it was a real body horror. And yet he wasn't scared.

He swore he would love Horror no matter what, but was this... this creature even still Horror...? No, no, he knew it was. It was his significant other, who showed him love and care and made him the happiest he's ever been. They lived through so many happy memories together, and it was supposed to end just like this?

Slow tears ran down Error's cheeks as he battled with his mind on what to do, what to think. He did until the groaning interrupted it, this time louder. Through his hazy eyes he looked at... Horror. Even with his disfigured face he could still see the expression of someone who is in pain. Immense pain.

Without another thought he jumped to try to do something... anything to fix this. But no matter the time, he couldn't do much. If anything it only seemed to worsen Horror's state.

Ultimately Error just gave up, dropping to the floor. There was no turning back. Oh but how he wished there was.

He twisted his body reluctantly to the undead mass that was once his wonderful, fantastic lover. 

"It's not fair!" Error screamed to no one in particular, hitting the ground with his fist as hard as he could. How he wished he could have at least properly said goodbye to Horror, listen to him, kiss him. But he was too busy trying to save him. A lot of good that did him.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Eventually his anger died down enough to eye Horror, who was still making all sorts of pained noises.

What was he going to do with this? And then it hit him. He had to do something. But what? It was Horror, his lover, his world, his everything. Error did all he could to keep him alive, and now he was just supposed to give that up? Then again, he wasn't really alive, rather undead. Undead, disfigured and in what he could imagine was excruciating pain. Error couldn't even begin to imagine how it would feel to be alive in such a state. At this point it would be a mercy kill... But he loved him! He didn't want to kill him!

So he had only two options? Kill or leave him like that? He didn't like either. He hated them in fact. It wasn't supposed to be like that! But it was, and it was his fault.

He stretched out a shaky hand towards the mass and slowly touched it. It felt so weird and alien, not familiar at all.

He wanted to be selfish, but was he really going to make Horror stay like that for who knows how long? He wanted him alive, but not with this pain. Not like that.

"Horror?" He asked once again, and yet again the mass didn't give him a response.


Error stood up. His mind was already made up.

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