Saved [Error x Classic]

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Request for Undertale12710.

Warning: suicidal thoughts.


Sans looked dimly at the empty wall of his room. His expression was lacking of emotions, but deep down he was sadder than ever. Today he has found out that both Red and Blue were cheating on him. One of them - Blue - with Dust and the other one with Sci.

He had known there was something wrong. The way they disappeared sometimes without explaining where they were going, not really being affectionate with him anymore and not even talking much. Today has proved that he was right. Even though he has been suspecting this for a while, he still was surprised to discover that it was really the truth.

However, as shocked as he was, he was mostly... sad. No, depressed even. He couldn't think about anything else then his broken relationship along with his heart. He had though he finally found happiness!

Right now Sans was at the verge of tears. What was the point of living anymore? They were really his everything...

"Maybe I should just kill myself, there's nothing for me here anyway!" He thought as he clenched his hands into fists. A second passed and he realized what he had though. "Wait, no-...! But... why not actually?" He reasoned with himself as the tears went down his face.

Finally he decided, he was going to hang himself at the end of the day. He was never as ready for something as he was now, but he wanted some time. In his misery Sans decided to visit the doors at the end of the forest for the last time. The lady behind them was always nice to him and he wanted to have a chance to talk with someone before... yeah.

He quickly left the house, Papyrus was out probably training with Undyne, and rushed in the direction of the ruins.

However, as he was close suddenly a glitched portal opened up and a black skeleton fell through it, face-planting into the snow with a quiet "ow.".

Sans looked at that scene, while the other skeleton stood up slowly and rubbed his skull with a sigh. He must have only realized that he wasn't alone, because when he spotted Classic he jumped a little.

They stood in a bit of an awkward silence, while Classic looked at him up and down. It was Error, no doubt. He has seen him a few times wandering around his AU, but not destroying it. What grabbed his attention were numerous bruises on the glitched skeleton, who struggled to stand.

"Hi Error." Classic finally broke the silence. "What are you doing here and why are you covered in bruises?"

Error jolted up at that, not actually expecting him to talk to him like to a normal monster.

"Uhhh... I have been fighting with Ink, you know, the usual." Error answered unsured. He didn't know why he even said that, but now he couldn't take it back.

Classic rised his brow at that. Wasn't he in relationship with Ink along with Dream? This kind of information spreads out fast in the multiverse.

"Really? I thought you loved each other?"

"Umm..." Error looked down at the ground.  "Actually, we're not together anymore. And I'm not with Dream either. I just came back from fighting with Ink, because he was trying to justify himself and Dream from cheating on me with Nightmare and Cross. We both got quite violent and that's why I have all of these." Error explained pointing his finger to his wounds.

"Really?" Classic was surprised. And the situation reminded him of his own. Two people, both cheating on him. It was really similar. "I'm sorry pal." He wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say, but he was on quite friendly conditions with Error. Meaning that he didn't hate him, because he never tried to attack his world.

"T-Thanks..." Error said awkwardly. He wasn't really sure why he was talking with him, but it didn't feel wrong. "I only came here to relax and well, to hide from Ink."

"Is that it?" Classic came closer to his station and sat down leaning with his back on it. "You can join me if you want." He patted the spot next to him.

Error hesitated for a while, but sat eventually. If the other had been planning on attacking him, he would have done it already, besides, the look in his eyes was really... numb.

"So, why are you just sitting there?" Error asked.

"I was just thinking... I have actually been cheated on by two people too. I realized it today." Classic answered leaning further on the station. He wasn't really sure why he was saying all of this. Perhaps it was because Error was in a similar situation and because he was still pretty much planning to kill himself today.

"... Seriously? That's terrible." Error looked at the other, wondering how it was possible that both of them had found each other in a situation like that.

"Yeah, they were my everything... and now they're gone."

Error looked at him, he didn't like how that sounded.

"You know, I know it feels like the end of the world, but it's not. Believe me, I have been through it too. It hurts, sure, but it will stop. One day you will find someone who will really love you. There are many monsters out there." Error continued his speech feeling himself attaching to this skeleton. "And you will also realize that they are way better than whoever cheated on you and you will be happy.'re really likeable."

"Really? You think so?" Classic looked up from the ground. "I mean... I guess you're right, but still... It hurts."

"I know... just give it some time." Error tried to encourage him, but that also reminded him of his own breakup making him hurt mentally.

Classic looked at him not really sure what to say. Out of all the people he wasn't expecting the destroyer to try and help him. He noticed him wince. This must have triggered some old his own memories, even though he tried to hide it. But it all did help him a little. He thought about the suicide he was about to commit and then glanced at Error. He actually spent time with him, trying to help him as best as he could and managed to lift his spirit.

He decided not to kill himself. As much as he loved Red and Blue, he wanted to believe in Error's words. There's still a chance someone will love him one day and respect his feelings... like Error now.

Without thinking he brought Error into a hug, which he hesitantly returned.

"I'm sorry that this has happened to you." Error muttered.

"Thanks, I'm sorry for you too." Classic tightened his grip on the other, making him whimper a little, but soon relaxed again.

They stayed like that for a while neither of them really feeling like leaving. Classic would go to an empty house and Error to an empty anti-void, so that was understandable.

"Hey bud." Classic finally got up. "Would you like to come to my house and hang out or something? I guess neither of us wants to be alone right now? And it's kinda cold bere."

Error looked up. "Really? You're inviting the destroyer to your house?"

"Well, you never seemed like destroying this place, so sure. So, what do you say?" Classic asked and reached his hand to the other, who was still sitting on the ground.

"... Ok, that would be nice." Error said hesitantly and grabbed the hand, picking himself up.

Classic smiled when he saw that the glitching skeleton never let go of his hand. He started leading them both to his home, gripping his hand harder. At that point Error must have realized that, but for some reason he didn't say anything about it.

"Heck, you really saved me Error." Classic thought. "If it wasn't for you I would probably die today."

"I'm glad I got to talk to you."

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