Shared future [Error x Ink/Errorink]

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One of the shots requested by shipper_Icewolf.


Error yawned as he leaned on Ink's shoulder, trying to follow whatever was being displayed on the TV. He felt the other's hand around his middle, which immediately made him more relaxed. He desperately tried to keep his eyes open, his weird sleeping schedule not exactly helping. Whereas he did learn to sleep every night, due to his time in the anti-void he still had to make up and take some naps throughout the day. It was a bit problematic, but gradually getting better.

Today however he definitely didn't want to fall asleep in the middle of the day. Ink proposed a date, which is why they were watching the TV to pass some time before they go. Error also knew that it was going to be an outdoor date. As much as he liked inside dates more, preferably with cuddles and falling asleep in Ink's arms, they sometimes went to spend time in dfferent AUs. If it was a date though, then he supposed he didn't mind that much, since after that they would usually come back home to be affectionate towards each other.

Error fought his sleepiness when suddenly he felt Ink poke him gently, which made him look up at him, opening his eyes wider.

"Hehe, sorry to wake you up Glitchy." Ink chuckled. "But should we get going? It's already the time."

"First off I wasn't sleeping." Error grumbled. "And yes, let's go." Due to the force of habit his voice sounded a bit irritated, but he gave a small smile at the end of the sentence.

Ink smiled. While they both already lived in one house, they liked to plan dates including the hour. That way, they would know when to be ready to go out. It didn't exactly stop the artistic skeleton, who would occasionally grab his boyfriend and claim that they should go out at that exact minute. To be honest Error sometimes did that too, rarely though.

Ink snatched Error's hand startling him the tiniest bit, while he opened a portal and jumped through it in a matter of seconds, making the other almost face plant to the ground, fortunately Ink quickly caught him making him giggle in embarassment. He quickly got a grip of himself looking around, but found out that he wasn't exactly sure which AU it was. They surely were on the surface in the city.

"Ink? Do we um, have any plans for this date, or...?"

The said skeleton let out an excited chuckle. "Yyyup! I do actually, don't worry and just come with me. I'm sure you will like it!"

Error rose a brow, but decided to just accept it. His hand was still intertwined with Ink's as they started walking and making some small, but enjoyable talk. Though Error couldn't help, but notice the excitement and perhaps a bit of nervousness in Ink's voice. He decided to shrug it of for now.

There were a lot of things one could say about the surface, but when it came to Error he especially hated the weather. It could change so quickly without much warning. Like now, out of nowhere temperature seemed to drop and he went closer to Ink, looking for some warmth.

Ink looked down at him positively surprised and gripped his hand. "I know, we're almost there though!" He added in-between his talking.

They continued for a while longer staying close to each other, when finally Ink stopped them both.

"Are we there yet-?"

"Mhhm! Look what I found, ta-daa!" The creator pointed at the shop in front of them with a big smile.

Error looked closer and, "Ink, is that a-?"

"Yes, it's a shop! With sweets! Lots of them actually. It seems to have some of your favourite chocolates and so much more! When I first found it and went inside I immediately though that you would like it, and planned to show you!" Ink claimed with excitement in his voice, talking quite fast, but Error was still able to comprehend all of his words.

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