The favourite part [Shattered!Dream x Error]

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Requested by: whatsXtheXpoint

I love this ship.


Error grinned, hearing the screams all around him. He knew he was the cause of them.

An AU, which just a while ago was throbbing with life, was being annihilated right before his eyes, making him feel peculiar happiness. Normally people wouldn't smile at a sight like that, but Error was far from normal.

Contrary to what some monsters thought, he didn't really had a fair reason to destroy. He did it out of sheer pleasure. It made him feel...alive.

The world was shattering in front of him filling him with satisfaction, when suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around him from the back.

Error jumped not expecting this, but as soon as he turned around he sighed with relief seeing Dream. Speaking of shattered things...


"And nice to see you too Error." The other skeleton smirked, bringing him close to his chest from the back.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hmmm, just came to ask when will you come back home? You have been out for a long time." Dream rested his chin on the black skelton's skull, observing the chaos before them.

Error felt his psychopathic grin fading a bit, being changed to a softer expression. "Just a while more, I am on quite a spree today."

"I can see that. As much as I love all the disarray I love you even more, so if you feel like returning soon, then I sure would be glad."

Error felt a blush creeping onto his face when he heard that. Just a minute ago he was blinded by the desire to destroy, but now he was really looking forward to coming back with Dream. Although just a small fraction of his want still remained. He relaxed in the hold deciding what to do.

"Alright, I will just end this AU and destroy another one and then return."

The goopy monster grinned. "Let it be." He kissed his forehead. "I will wait then."

Error observed with a small smile as he left through the portal, already missing him.

"Better destroy these fast then."

After getting rid of the first AU, he quickly went to another one and destroyed it in a record time, being motivated by the thought of spending time together with his lover.

Some time ago he would have laughed at the mere thought of being so in love with anyone. Well, it did happened and he actually didn't regret it one bit. Dream understood him like no other, not only allowing him to destroy, but also taking pleasure in it. They were both on the bad side, not to say that surprisingly Dream really cared about him, always taking care of him and being affectionate.

Shaking out of his daydreaming Error deleted the code of the world in a rush and left through the portal without a second thought, not even glancing at the outcome of his action.

He landed in front of the house which he shared with his boyfriend in one of the darker AUs. The house itself was hid in the forest away from others, so no one would suspect a thing.

He just stood for a second catching his breath, being tired but satisfied with his job.

Finally he entered the house stretching his bones. Time for a well-deserved break.

He entered the living room, where Dream was already glancing at him from the couch, most probably hearing him walk in.

"Finished and tired I see?"

Destroyer just nodded sitting next to him. He was about to lean on the other's shoulder when he felt a nudge. He looked down to see Dream's hand holding something.

"Here." Dream handed him what appeared to be chocolate. "I figured you would probably want to eat it, after such an...eventful day."

Error's eyes lit up as he snatched the item and started eating it in bliss. Of course he would want it.


On the other skeleton's face appeared a gentle smile. Not the evil looking one which he now usually wore, at least around the others, but the one of true happiness.

He put his hand around Error bringing him closer and making him lay his head on his shoulder.

The other sighed contently and continued munching on the chocolate.

Dream observed him caressing his cheek from time to time. It was almost fun to compare his Error now, being calm and tired, eating slowly and half cuddling, to him less than hour ago when he was standing in the middle of destroyed world, hearing screams of terror all around them.

Welp they both were evil, and they both wanted blood just for the sake of it. However, behind the doors of their conveniently hidden house, they liked to act differently, more lovingly and gently. Only to each other though.

Error made a quiet sound to announce that he finished eating and then put most of his weigh on Dream's side with the arm still around the glitch.

"Would you like me to bring you something else?" Dream asked wrapping his other hand around him.

"Mmm, not really. Thanks." Error turned around to kiss his cheek gratefully.

Dream returned the gesture stroking Error's back, making him melt and when he moved to kiss him on the lips his body gave up and just made him land completely on the corrupted one with his face on his chest.

Error tried to remove himself from the position sheepishly, but Dream chuckled and laid down with his skull on the pillow, grabbing his wrists and made him lay on him once again.

Error squeaked at first, but didn't fight it and just made himself comfortable on the other, wrapping his hands around his back and laying his head on his chest.

Dream returned the gesture and embraced Error tightly, hearing him yawn.

"Now that's the best part of the day." Error said closing his eyes.

"I though that destroying others' lifes was your favorite moment?" Dream rised a brow, actually not being sure which one Error viewed as the better one.

"Destroying is wonderful." Error opened his eyes to look into his. "But this is even better."

There was a moment of comfortable silence between them as Error's mind began wandering. However he focused again when he heard the voice.

"Yeah, it's mine favorite too."


What is y'all favorite shipping within the Undertale AUs that there is almost/no content for?

I don't mean rare pairings, I mean the ones that you really almost/can't find, no matter how much you try.

I mainly mean Sanscest, but can be anything else too. Just curious.

Mine is Error x Horror, I would kill for some content for it. (I saw like two pictures maybe or sth like that, so there is something.)

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