Teddy bears' stack [Error x Reaper/DestructiveDeath]

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Oneshot request by: wellhellothere2


The world around him was silent, but his mind was screaming. He felt so hazy and yet so emotional at the same time.

Reaper finally stood up after sitting in the middle of nowhere. Not even a second after he landed on the ground again. He was just so tired, but mostly sad. This wasn't even a good word to describe his state, he was feeling miserable. Of course he was thinking about Geno, he was so often on his mind that it felt almost unnatural to not think about him. Unfortunately it wasn't happy memories, not at all. Rather the memories of the moment when Geno disappeared without a trace. It's been a couple of years now and even though they say that time is the healer Reaper felt only worse.

The unwanted thoughts started clouding his mind and he felt like crying. He just wanted to touch someone, to feel the warmth. However he couldn't, being the god of death has its disadvantages, many, many disadvantages.

Since he couldn't touch anything living, with a sigh he decided to hug some teddy bears. That's the best he could do to calm himself down and satisfy his touch starvation, besides it reminded him of hugging with Geno...Swallowing his tears he opened a portal to one of the mall focused AUs to find the plushies.


Meanwhile Error groaned in annoyance. He really wasn't feeling like fighting Ink today, but of course his wishes could never come true. Deciding that he's not up to dealing with creator's bullshit, he quickly teleported himself to another AU.

He landed inside of the mall which he recognized, it also appeared to be closed right now. He had been here a few times before, also hiding from Ink, since it had a good hiding spot. Quickly checking if the creator hasn't followed him yet, he jumped deep into the nearby stack of teddy bears.

While he carefully scanned the area, he felt some weight shifting in the pile and some noises of distress, but didn't think too much about it, being focused on something else. When after a while Ink didn't appear he let out a sigh of relief. Either the idiot couldn't find the AU Error teleported to, or didn't feel like running after him. He guessed it was the first one.

Relaxing at last, he contently let the mascots surround him. Not only was this a good hiding spot, but also a comfortable one. Not having to worry about his enemy, he decided to stay buried under them for a while. Everything was calm for about half a minute, when suddenly he felt two hands wrap around him from behind. He nearly let out a yelp and stiffened at the touch. Who and what...?

And then he heard the same noises he had heard before but didn't focuse on them, just this time they were much closer and Error could definitely say that these noises were crying and whimpering. Even worse, he could say that they were coming from the person behind him, who was involuntarily hugging him.

He felt annoyance and wanted to scream at whoever was stupid enough to cling to him buried underneath the teddy bears in some random mall. However the emotion was quickly replaced by surprise and most importantly sympathy and sadness, but also subtle stress.

The skeleton behind him was...Reaper. Without a warning Error's mind started flooding with memories. Memories of Reaper and him...though he was called Geno at the time. But then the accident happened and the said monster disappeared, being 'replaced' by Error. He of course remembered that. And missed him. Missed being with Reaper, or to be specific, being his boyfriend. He has tried to completely forget about him in this new form. He thought that Reaper was doing fine without him, besides how weird would it be to suddenly reappear in his life and claim to be Geno who has turned into someone else. Who would believe in that...?

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