Not what it seems [Error x Nightmare/Errormare]

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This is for OliveMint.


"Alright, I think we should start our patrol." Ink announced.

He, Blue and Dream were all gathered in the Star Sanses' base, and were just about to leave.

"So, where do we start? I propose Outertale. You know, since the destroyer seems to be there often." Blue said making Dream nod in agreement.

"Sounds like a plan, maybe we will be able to finally capture that pesky glitch." Ink said hostile as his eyes turned red and changed shapes.

Being in compability, Ink swiftly made a portal and all the skeletons cautiously went through it. After that, it was closed and the creator opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly stopped.

"Guys look!" Dream whispered in alarm and quickly hid behind the nerby bush, making the others do the same. "Is it what I think it is?"

Ink and Blue looked to where their friend pointed and the sight was quite surprising indeed. Not only was Error there, but also the rest of the Bad Sanses. But they weren't killing anybody, or even being destructive. Actually, most of them were sitting and clapping while Killer and Cross seemingly took a bow. What was happening?

"What is going on?" Ink asked confused, not expecting an actual answer. Dream and Blue only shrugged not knowing what to say.

For now they decided not to show themselves. Actually, they were close enough to hear most of the talking, so they focused on that.

"You guys were great!" Horror shouted and high-fived Killer and Cross, who smiled at him.

"Yeah yeah, I'm a natural." Killer said making everyone else laugh heartily. Error leaned on Nightmare, who looked at him happily.

"Alright, so who's next?" Cross asked sitting down on the ground.

"Oh!" Horror suddenly perked up. "There's this new song which Dust and I have listened to recently. It's really good, I'm telling ya. Sooo..." He got up and turned to Dust. "What do you say?"

"Ughh, do I really have to?" Dust whined with a hint of playfulness.

"Duh. If you're not gonna go willingly then I'm gonna make you." Horror said smugly, getting closer to him and everyone looked curiosly. The next thing Horror did, was pick up Dust, throw him over his shoulder and walk in front of everybody else to their non-existent scene.

"Jeez fine, fine. Just put me down." Dust wiggled making everyone laugh at their shenanigans.

Dust's feet finally touched the ground and after a short exchange with Horror as well as few cheers from their friends, they started singing.

The Star Sanses were to say the least, dumbfounded. This is not what they were expecting at all.

The song was slow and as it continued, Killer started rocking form side to side to the rythm and Cross closed his eyes in content. But what really caught their attention were Nightmare and Error.

Nightmare wrapped his hands tightly around Error, rocking them both. The glitchy skeleton seemingly relaxed and shifted his weight onto the other, his cheeks slightly flushed. At some point Nightmare kissed him on the side of his skull making his blush deepen and lean further into Nightmare's chest.

When Dust and Horror finished, their crowd clapped eagerly making them both smile.

"Now." Nightmare said grabbing everyone's attention. "I suppose we should have something to drink."

He handed out 5 bottles and took one for himself while everyone started drinking. For a minute it was quiet, until the gang started talking with each other.

Meanwhile, the Star Sanses were still hiding and confused out of their minds. Now that the bad guys calmed down a little, so did they.

"Uggghh, so, like, what do we do?" Dream asked raising his brows and looking at the others.

"I-I don't know." Ink admitted. "I don't understand, they're not killing anyone and Error not deleting this AU!? Why though? Instead they're having a karaoke here? And is it just me or do Nightmare and Error act like a couple??"

"" Blue answered hesitantly and looked at the said duo, who just shared a kiss. On the lips. "Yeah, they sure do."

Ink pinched his nose deciding what to do.

Menawhile, the break ended as everyone has finished their drinks.

"Alright, so who's up now?" Killer asked looking around.

"Well, Error and Nightmare haven't sang anything yet today." Dust looked at the two, who were still cuddling.

"Hmm..." Nightmare's voice trailed off as he looked down at Error. "Eh, why not? What do you say Error?"

Error stretched in his arms and yawned. "Mhmm, we can."

Despite saying that Error made no effort to stand up, so Nightmare rolled his eyes and picked him up. Error rested his face on his shoulder and clinged to him tightly.

When he was put down, he had to lean on Nightmare instinctively to catch his balance. Seeing that, Nightmare decided to start singing an energetic song that he knew his boyfriend recognized.

As expected, Error soon caught up and his glitchy voice could be heard. The song did its job and Error got more energetic as they both sang, looking into each other's eyes from time to time.

The quick rythm eventually hit everybody, as they stood up as well. Soon everyone was singing alone, dancing and goofing around and basically doing everything you wouldn't expect from the supposed bad guys.

At some point Nightmare picked Error up and swirled him in the air a couple of times.

Seeing all of this, Ink made his final decision. He might have seen many things today that left him confused, but he knew one thing. There was no way the Bad Sanses were planning to attack this universe today. Or any other really.

He glanced at Dream and Blue, who must have thought the same thing, because they both nodded with determined expressions on their faces.

Looking back one more time and making sure that nothing weird, well weirded was happening, Ink opened a portal and they all quickly retreated.

Perhaps, the bad guys also needed a day off.

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