An argument [Geno x Fresh]

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One out of three one-shots for _Lesbo_Simp_; let me know which one you want me to do next in your comment in the first chapter.


"If you're so tired of me then I guess I should just leave!"

"Wow, finally that got through your thick skull, congratulations!"

The next thing Geno heard was a loud bang of the door being closed with unproportional force. He flopped down not really caring that he fell onto the floor, buried his face into the soft carpet and let out a long growl of frustration. It was so easy to understand, so why couldn't Reaper?

Truthfully he was glad that he had left, most probably to his original Au. Geno needed a good, relaxing break from his current problem.

He laid down for quite a long while replaying the argument in his head and rolling his eyes, even though no one could see it. Certainly not the one who they were aimed at.

Geno hoped that time would sooth his anger, but after several minutes he realized that the opposite was happening. He needed someone to vent to and that someone definitely wasn't going to be Reaper.

He got up, still grumpy, and looked around trying to localize his phone. He went to his room and searched there, but failed to achieve his goal. While wondering where else it could be, a certain thought crossed his mind which made him furrow his brows.


Gathering his energy he quickly teleported to his housemate's room and surely enough found his phone there. He quickly snatched it and grumbled curses under his breath. As soon as he was done, he exited the room and opened his phone typing a few words in a text.

Geno went back down, hoping that he wouldn't have to wait for long. He really needed to cool down. And soon enough a familiar "fresh poof" was heard, with Fresh appering from the colorful burst of magic.

"Yo my broski, whassup?"

Geno smiled fondly at the quick arrival. At least he could count on his friend. They had been really good friends even before Geno met Reaper. Fresh with his magic was able to teleport to even such secluded place as Aftertale's save screen, but not take the resident monster away with him. This situation understandably brought them closer, even with their clashing personalities. After all, it's not hard to get used to someone when they're the only person visiting you in an empty space, with no visible time passage.

"I saw your text and decided to up 'n'-, woah." Fresh's explanation was cut short as Geno took his hand and led him to the couch, prompting him to sit down. Almost stunned, Fresh sat down and sensing the seriousness limited his lingo.

"What's goin' on G? You seem upset."

"I am." Geno simply growled, startling the other. "Sorry... It's not because of you."

Fresh sighed with relief. "Is it Reaps? I noticed he's not here." He guessed.


An awkward silence followed, or at least it appeared awkward to Fresh. He has never encountered his friend in such an angered state, but since he got out of his way to text him, then surely he needed him for something.

"Do you... wanna talk about this?"

Geno took a few breaths and nodded. He then said all about how Reaper wouldn't leave him alone, always wanted to know where he was and sometimes even took his things. The irritation at this behavior has had its peak today and ended in an argument between the two.

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