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The stitching went fast, it hurt but I've been through worse. The doctor told me to rest but being my resilient self I got up. I walked into the hall to see the boys and Natasha waiting in the hall.
"Hey losers" I smiled through the pain
"You should be in that bed y/n!" Sam pointed out
"She looks fine to me, glad your alright" Nat said grinning at me.
We started to walk towards my bedroom, I tried to hide the fact that my stitches still hurt.
"Do you want any food, we can get you something" Bucky spoke calmly
"No, I-ugh I actually need to talk to Sam. . . About something important, so I'm just going to go to his room but I will catch up with you guys later."
Bucky gave me a concerned look and Sam looked confused. Sam and I went into his room while the other 2 kept walking. Bucky was reluctant, but he didn't really have a choice. I walked in his messy room and immediately put on the Trouble Man record, it is his favorite and always calms him down.
"Sammie. . ." I spoke scared to tell him about Bucky and I.
"Your scaring me y/l/n." He kept a straight face
"I'm going to tell you something. . . please don't get upset! Please just remember I'm your best friend and I love you!"
He didn't seem amused
"Ok?" My nerves were jumping
"Bucky. . . And I are- we are going on a . . . Date."
His face seemed shocked!
"Oh god. . .please don't be mad. I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner! I was just-"
His anger turned into laughter, leaving me extremely confused.
"I can't believe you fell for that!" He finished his sentence still laughing
"The acting, Probably one of my worst performances."
I tried wrapping my brain around what was happening.
"Your not mad?!" I took a deep breath
"You think I didn't know about you and Bucky? That guys goes into your room like he lives there."
"How long have you-"
"Well the guy didn't smile until you came to the joint, so I figured he liked you, and after you got shot we got to talking, and I realized how much he cares about you." He gave a sweet smile.
I hugged him tight.
"I have some rules though!" His voice got more stern
"Name them!"
"If that guy hurts you or does something wrong I want to be the first person to know and the second person to kick his ass."
"Second person?"
"Yeah, I figured you would want to hit him first"
"Ok"I smiled
"And two, I want you broken up by the age of 40, I want my shot."
I smiled knowing he was happy for me
"I love you Sammie!"
"Love you too!"
I basically skipped out of his room in joy. I rushed to Bucky's room grabbing him with no warning. I forgot about my stitches, but I was to happy to Care about the pain.
"You ok?" He said holding me tight, not able to see my face
"Kiss me, Please." I said softly
He grabbed my cheeks and lifted my head, he put his lips on mine and kissed me in a caring way. It was loving and sweet. He grinned when I pulled away.
"I take it it went well?" He said
"He knew the whole time, apparently you gave it away when I was knocked out in the infirmary"
He smiled at the ground
"Yeah I guess I ugh- kinda made my feelings clear. I was really worried."
I grabbed his face and gave him another quick kiss.
"Let's put on a movie"
____________________________________Hope everyone had a great holiday! Thanks for reading!❤️

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