Hair dye

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When I was done showering and getting dress I went to the living room, Steve was there with Bucky and Wanda.
"Hey," I said strolling in, "where is everyone?"
"Sam went on the roof for some flying and Nat is in the pool." Steve responded
"Oh ok"
"I have a lot to do, Nick said he has a lead on something and this place desperately needs a shop"
"A shop?"
"Yeah, just the basics, milk, eggs. . ."
" Oh, I'm on it!" I said happy to get out of the compound for a bit
"I'LL GO TO" Bucky seemed to jumped at the opportunity "I mean if that's ok"
"Yeah of course" I said with smirk
Steve seemed grateful, he gave us a list and the keys to one of the many cars. On the way to the grocery Bucky and I had a nice conversation. He was easy to talk to.
"80s movies are the best! There's Karate Kid, the Breakfast Club and. . . and Back to the Future!" I beamed talking about movies, they made me feel safe. They were a way to escape my crazy and confusing life.
"I'm just saying that movies in the 40s were simple and good. Probably better than the 80s"
"No, no! There's no way"
He laughed softly at my enthusiasm
"Ok, how bout this, I will watch an 80s movie and you watch a 40s movie then we will see."
"I guess that's fair, but once you start you won't want to stop!" I smiled "There are too many good ones!"
We pulled in to the store
"We're here smiles"
We got out of the car and started shopping, the store was small but had what we needed. He pushed the cart while I put them items we needed inside. We spent the whole time joking and talking. We soon went through an isle full of hair dye.
"Would you let me dye your hair?" I asked jokingly
"Oh definitely, what color were you thinking" he said sarcastically
"Definitely purple! Unless we want to do more than one color."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, I can do purple and pink!"
He genuinely smiled. A tall man stepped behind me and pretended to look at the shelf.
"Hey sweetheart, what are you lookin for," he had a thick New York accent.
"I got it handled" I said assertively to try to give him a hint I wasn't interested.
"Well I found what I'm lookin for, she's standing right in front of me."
Bucky's face dropped and he look angry. He started walking towards me.
"Listen pal, I'm not interested so do you mind leaving me alone." I put my hand on Bucky to calm him down.
"Trust me, I have something you'd be interested in." He grabbed my wrist. I immediately ripped my arm out of his grip. I lifted my fist ready to punch the guy in the nose but Bucky grabbed my arm.
"Wait doll," his face still angry
He used his grip on my arm to move in font of me so he was facing the gross man.
"Get out of here!" Bucky's voice was deep
"What are you? Her body guard?"
"Should've listened the first time." Bucky then moved giving me the 'go ahead' signal. I punched him straight in the face leaving him with a bloody nose.
"She doesn't need a body guard" Bucky responded as we walked away. The rest of the shop wasn't nearly as eventful but still enjoyable. We got home and unloaded the car. When we went inside everyone was in the conference room and they didn't look happy.
____________________________________ Thanks for reading! The plots getting juicy!!!!❤️

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