Get Punched

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Waking up next to Bucky after a fun night like that was great. When I opened my eyes his steel blue ones were staring back at me. I warmly smiled as his eyes traveled all around my face.
"Good morning beautiful," he said in his groggy tired voice "how'd you sleep?"
"Good, and you?" I answer without wiping the stupid grin from my face.
"Best night sleep I've ever gotten," He kissed my head and began to stare again "how are you so damn beautiful?"
"Oh stop, I probably look like a mess. Puffy eyes. messy hair."
He ran his hand through my hair
"I like your hair messy, it looks wildly pretty. It's perfect. . . You're perfect."
I kissed his lips sweetly
"What would I do without you James Barnes?"
He looked in my eyes deeply
"What would I do without you?"
"Probably be a complete mess," I responded with a mischievous smirk "and I would be fending off a psychopathic god all by myself."
"Well it's a good thing I found you."
"Technology I found you." I grinned
Bucky wrapped both arms around me tightly and embraced me for a minute, we just took in the peacefulness for a moment. Our bodies up against each other's, his hands rubbing my back, and his heart beat I could hear distinctly. Everything seemed perfect, well almost perfect.
"Remember when life was simple?" I broke the silence.
"Simple?" He asked
"No mission, no secrets, no gods, just me and you in this big place with our friends," I took a breath "I miss that."
"Me too doll, but we will have simple soon."
"let's just get rid of the guy who wants to destroy earth so we can do simple again." The idea of it motivated me "How about we get to the combat room, do a little training?"
He grinned at me with a cocky smile, I knew the next comment wasn't going to be good.
"You sure you feel strong enough for that, I think I left you pretty weak after last night doll."
I couldn't help but smirk at his stupid confidence, but I did grab a pillow and hit him with it.
"Let's go idiot."
We both got up and dressed fairly quickly. Bucky held the door to the combat room open for me, and as I stepped in I made eye contact with Sam. He stopped punching the punching bag as soon as he saw me.
"Hello Samuel." I said strutting inside.
Sam and I still hadn't talked since the secret came out and I wanted to make sure he was sweating about it. I was going to forgive him but I wanted to know he regretted his mistake.
"Buck, can you go grab us some water?" I asked In an attempt to get Sam alone.
Bucky nodded and walked out. I walked up to Sam.
"Y/n I'm so-" he started
"No. Me first." I cut him off "You hurt me Sam. You told me back before I even joined the team if I wanted, you'd help me find my parents. You kept this from me and it stings knowing my best friend didn't have my back."
"I know. I know I shouldn't have. And I know I'm an moron. I'm so so sorry."
"Your more than a moron Sammie."
"I know."
"You tried to keep a secret from a girl who can read minds!"
"I know I'm stupid! And your my best friend and I'd die for you, but we were all just worried, we didn't want you to have too much on your plate," I could see the regret in his eyes "what's it gonna take?"
"For you to forgive me. What's it gonna take?"
I stayed silent for a moment. He was gonna let me choose anything I wanted?! Couldn't miss an opportunity like this!
"I want to punch you, in the face." I said with excitement
"What?!" His eyes got big
"You want to be forgiven? Let me punch you."
"You have punched me before."
"I know, but this time it's gonna be more enjoyable! It's payback!"
Bucky walked in with waters.
"Hang on Buck, I'll be right there." I said as he watched the two of us.
"I thought you were gonna make me buy you food or something!" Sam added back to our conversation
"No. One punch." I couldn't hide my smirk
He hesitated
". . . Fine"
He leaned forward and closed his eyes
"Ready?" I asked
Before he could get the word out I threw my fist across his face, it kinda hurt my hand. I turned to see Bucky's reaction and I could tell he was trying not to bust into laughter. I turned back to Sam.
"You ok?" I asked knowing he was fine
"Y- yeah, that just hurt like a bitch."
I smiled at him as he looked at me with confusion
"What? Why you smiling like that?" He questioned
"I was gonna let you off the hook Sammie. I was going to take your apology. No punch needed." I grinned ear to ear.
"Are you serious?!"
"Hey you gave me the opportunity! I had to take it!"
He threw his arm around me and took a deep breath.
"Well It's good to have you back kid, I missed you."
"Me too Sammie."
Sam looked over at Bucky who was still grinning from the punch.
"Hey don't look so happy tough guy, she's training with you today, your ass will get kicked a little harder!" Sam called out to him.
I loved having both my boys back.
____________________________________Thanks for reading guys, it means a lot that people like what I write!❤️

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