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I hate to imagine the fear Bucky and Sam felt. The way they felt carrying my body into the jet, into the compound infirmary. Not knowing weather I would wake up or not. I would have been a mess if the positions were reversed. But lucky for everyone I did wake up. I woke up to a doctor looking at my X-rays. I turned to the right to see Sam next to me, then to my left to see Bucky.
"How long was I out?" I said with a weak voice
"2 days." Sam told me.
"How long you been there? You look like crap." I smiled
"2 days, your not looking so hot either" he returned a grin
I turned to face Bucky
"Hey buck" I sweetly smiled
"Hey doll, glad your alright"
"Me too" I faced the doctor "how bad is the damage?"
"You lost consciousness due to the blood loss, once we got your vitals under control we knew you were stable so we ran some X-rays. They showed a few broken ribs and a fracture in your spine yesterday, but today, all your bones are fine." She spoke confused
"What?!" I returned the confusion "how?!"
"She thinks it might have to do with your DNA being adjusted by Borris. Like a side affect to the mind reading." Sam told me while holding my hand
"So I read minds and heal bones?!"
"Seems like an upgrade to me." He smirked
"I just- I just want to go to my room."
"You still have a wound from the gunshot, we stitched it up but it's sensitive." The doctor said
"I think I can handle it." I said as I tried to get up.
A jolt of pain stabbed my stomach, and I fell back down onto the bed.
"Stay here until your ready, we don't want you anymore hurt than you are." Bucky said caringly
"Fine" I exhaled
"I'm going to get you some food, I want you here when I'm back" Sam said
"Got it" I returned
Sam left to get me food and the doctor left the room but didn't tell us where she was going.
"When's the last time you took a shower?" I said turning to Bucky
"Day before the mission, why do I smell?" He seemed concerned
"No, I just knew you wouldn't leave until I woke up"
"I've been here the whole time, so has Sam. The guys not that bad when your stuck in a room with him."
"You guys are getting along?" I smiled
"Well it was easy to talk to him when you were the conversation the whole time."
I grinned, I realized looking up at him that I wanted to wake up to him more often. Not only was he a great view but he was kind and caring.
"Buck, remember what I said when you were holding me at the warehouse?" My voice was still weak
"I meant it. I do really like you"
"I meant it too doll, every word of it. Your getting that date!"
Thanks for reading!❤️

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