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Home. I had been waiting for that word to feel real again. Being trapped in that place wasn't home. Neither was the palace or anywhere in Asgard for that matter. But the compound, with the team, in Bucky's arms . . . That was home. Thor was kind and could see I was excited to be back on earth so he brought me to the bifrost rather quickly. Normally traveling through a rainbow portal would be amazing, but where I was landing was distracting. Thor held on to me tight as we planted our feet on solid ground. We stood right outside of the compound, I could finally see my life being normal again. I turned to Thor and hugged him.
"Thank you!" I said as I squeeze him
He let out a deep giggle
"Of course, it's the least I could do after my brothers nonsense." He had a huge grin
"Do they know you have me?"
"No, they are only aware that I went to Asgard searching for you."
I took a deep breath
"Ok, let's go in." I said ready to see everyone
Thor held the door for me as I stepped inside, there was no sign of anyone in the first 3 rooms. They were all empty and looked like they hadn't been used in days. We walked further inside and made it to the conference room. Everyone but Bucky sat, looking at the board at the front of the room that had every game plan imaginable. There was pictures of me, Loki, Idunn and every place I could possibly be.
"I would check Asgard first, there is a lot of good hiding places." I said finally drawing the attention to me.
They all turned to face me, their smiles grew wide and they began to stand up. Sam immediately grabbed me, wrapping me in his big biceps. I could feel his breath on my ear.
"Don't you ever do that to me again! You hear me?! I don't want you out of my sight!" He said in a loving but angry voice.
"I'm never leaving you on a mission again Sammie, we're the dynamic duo."
"Hell yeah we're the dynamic duo!
We stayed silent for a moment just grateful to be back together.
"I would have protected you!" He continued
I moved my head so that I could look him in the eyes
"That's not fair, no one knew what was happening." I spoke defensively
"What was the one thing I told Bucky to do huh? It was to keep you safe, and what happened?!"
"Sam, it all happened so quickly, one second he was with me, the next second I was gone. There was no time to think!"
"Yeah whatever. . . I'm just glad to have you back."
He let go of me and I made my way around the room. I got my first ever hug from Steve, and then my 100th hug from Nat, and kept going down the line thanking everyone for trying to find me. Vision told me that he too was worried about me, which was nice. . . . And confusing, I still wasn't sure how that guy had emotions. I looked around the room and than at Steve.
"Where is he Cap?" I said knowing It couldn't be good
"His room . . . he hasn't left it." He replied with sorrow
I went straight out the door and headed to Bucky's room, my heart ached knowing how sad Bucky must have felt. I wanted to make the moment special but I didn't know how, so I just slowly pushed the door open. His room was a mess. Everything on his dresser was broken besides a framed picture of me I didn't even know he had. He sat on his bed with his face in his hands. It broke me to see him like that.
"I don't think our cinnamon gum trick is going to work on your room." I said sweetly trying to calm myself down.
His head shot up and looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy. His eyes roamed around my body as if he had to make sure everything was in the right place.
"Hi Smiles" I said quietly
He got up, making his way over to me without saying a word. When his body finally made it to mine, he slowly put his hands on my cheeks and stared in my eyes.
I began to speak again but he quickly cut me off by kissing me, passionately. He kissed me like he would never get to kiss me again. It was loving and sweet but aggressive. I could tell how much he missed me just by the movements his lips. It made my stomach flutter. He pulled away with a look of sadness.
"I'm so sorry." He said in a groggy voice.
"For what Bucky?" I said holding his face
"I should have protected you, I could have stopped it."
"No. No, don't do that to yourself! It was not your fault!"
"It was" he looked down, "he took you because I wasn't fast enough, I didn't get to you."
"Are you crazy?!"
"I watched you fly up, you looked at me with a cry for help and I- I couldn't do anything. I'm so sorry!"
I lifted his face forcing eye contact.
"This was Loki's fault. He was the crazy one who took me. It's not your fault. It's not my fault. It's his fault!"
He stayed silent and just stared into my eyes
"You have me back Bucky. I'm here!" I tried to lift the mood.
He caressed my face and subtlety smiles
"Your here." He whispered taking me all in.
He began placing kissed all over my face, causing me to smile. I think he knew I wanted a happy moment, after all the BS I went through. He pushed his guilt aside to make me smile.
"You know. . . What I . . . Missed . . . The most" he spoke a few words in between each kiss he placed.
"Kissing me?" I giggled
"No. . . that smile. The way that smile makes me feel," He pulled away from my face to stare at it again "that smile can light up a room doll, and you don't even know it."
"Are you trying to make me blush? Cuz it's working!"
"I also missed how red your cheeks turn when your happy. And I missed how when your hair is messy it looks wildly beautiful. And I missed those big  y/e/c that can read me like a book."
I smiled at him not knowing what to say to such a perfect person
"I missed waking up to your scruffy face," I finally came up with "and being able to do this whenever I wanted."
I grabbed his shirt pulling him, kissing him again but this time more seductively. He took the hint and started kissing down my neck. He lifted me up and leaned me against the wall, I wrapped my legs around him. One thing led to another and we . . . Well he intensely welcomed me home.
____________________________________Sorry for the late update! Thanks for reading!❤️

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