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You'd think planning a simple day trip to Brooklyn would be easy. Not with my boys, Steve had to map out every place he wanted to stop and Bucky had to supervise. Apparently Brooklyn was a small yet complicated area. I sat back and watched the craziness unfold.
"Remember that old theater we could-" Steve spoke
"Can't we just figure out where we are going when we get there?" I cut him off while lounging on a chair
"No. If your seeing Brooklyn, your seeing it the right way." Bucky responded
"Trying to impress me or something Barnes?" I smirked
"Maybe" he winked at me with a grin
As they glanced at the map again I noticed Steve looking at me and then back at Bucky. I could tell by his facial expression that he had something on his mind. He gave Bucky a small nudge, and Bucky's face dropped a little.
"Hey doll?" He started "you want to start packing a few things?"
"Like what? It's a day trip" I asked
"Uh I don't know, maybe we can stay the night at a hotel in the city, if you want?"
I raised an eyebrow
"What are you up to smiles?"
He returned a suspicious grin
"I just think we earned a little 'us' time. . .Well, us and Steve-"
"I will stay in a different room!" Steve blurted out
"Let's just really enjoy our time there ok?" Bucky said as he walked over and kissed my head "now go pack, we'll be done soon."
Something about the conversation left me confused. Bucky had always been thoughtful, but something about the hotel seemed last minute. I'd usually get suspicious and go into spy mode, but I was too tired to care. I let the boys have there planning time and I threw a few things in a bag. By the time the boys were ready to go I was half asleep in my bed. Bucky grabbed me and brought me to the car.
"Glad you ladies are finally done," I said leaning my head back "took long enough."
"Yeah well, you'll be happy to see what we have planned" Steve spoke as he grinned at Bucky.
The car ride went by quickly, before I knew it we were there. The tall apartment buildings were a big change from the grassy areas surrounding the compound.
"Look there doll," Bucky said pointing to a McDonalds "that building used to be a dance hall!"
He was beaming, it made me smile.
"Oh yeah, the dance hall! Bucky would have girls waiting in line to dance with him." Steve added
"What about you Steve, had to fend off the ladies?" I smirked
"Yeah right, I sat and watched most days. Girls were nervous they were gonna step on me."
"We'll look at you now, if they weren't 100 they'd be fighting over a dance."
"Thanks" he grinned
We drove slow to take it all in. It was a lively place, a lot of people and a lot of unique beauty. I could see why so many people loved it. Steve finally parked the car outside an old theater. Bucky opened the door for me as I stepped out and immediately grabbed my hand.
"What do you think doll?" Asked Bucky
"I love it" I smiled
He used my hand to drag me into the theater. I looked at the boys as we walked into the lobby, there eyes grew big with the memories of their childhoods.
"They still have the gold rims on the ceiling!" Steve said beaming
"This place has barely changed!" Buck responded
It was cute to see them in a nostalgic mood, they were like kids in a candy shop. When we were greeted by an employee, Steve told them about the reserved theater. Apparently Bucky had a specific movie in mind. Bucky and I sat in the movie chairs while Steve got popcorn.
"Alright what movie?" I asked "is it the wizard of oz? I know Steve likes that one."
"No, no. Your gonna like it." He said
"Give me a hint!"
He smiled at my excitement
"Wax on. . ."
"Wax off! Karate kid?!"
"Yeah, Steve hasn't seen it and it's one of your favorites-"
"Thank you smiles! My 80s movies!"
He kissed me out of pure happiness. It was nice having a little bit of normalcy back. Just me and my favorite people watching a movie.
This chapter is kinda weird, Ik, but it helps with the next one! Thanks for reading!❤️

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