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Things seemed to be looking up. Though Loki was locked away he had something to work towards. I felt like I didn't owe him anymore, I had closure. I didn't know weather he'd actually make a good father but I knew there was potential for it, and that's all I needed. I had my family, I had my job, and I had my Smiles. Bucky would constantly tell me how proud he was. He said I could have left Loki to rot in misery, but I didn't because I am one of a kind. That man always knows how to make me happy. Sam was also surprised we were able to figure something out with the prophecy, he said he's glad he didn't end up an uncle to little demon children from a god, that's the last thing I would have wanted. Bucky wanted to be extra romantic in the weeks following the meeting with Loki. He would light candles around the bathtub, try to cook dinner, and we even danced to old music. As we danced he held me close and swayed me back and forth smoothly. I leaned my head on his firm chest and took in his scent.
"I love you doll" he said quietly
"I love you more" I responded
As the music rang through my ears I began to think about Bucky's past, his real past. Steve mentioned he was a great dancer and would take ladies out swing dancing back in the day. I wanted to know more about how he grew up, Brooklyn seemed like such a past paced place. He had told me stories of his parents, well he tried to but there was not much to tell because they died so young. His mother passed when Bucky was only 6.
"Buck?" I said sweetly
"Hm?" He said with his arms still round my body
"Have you ever wanted to go back to Brooklyn?"
He lifted his head to look at me.
"I don't know doll, why do you ask?"
"I just thought maybe we could go. . . If you want to."
He placed my head gently back on his chest and continued dancing.
"I understand if it's painful" I added
"No it's not that . . . It's just been a while."
"I know, I just wanted to see where your from."
"You wanna see where I grew up?"
"Yeah, but we don't have to."
"No, no I think it's sweet"
He stayed quiet for a moment after that, like he was thinking hard about something.
"I'd love to show you, I'll talk to Steve, I'm sure he'd want to come too." He finally continued
I smiled and closed my eyes to enjoy the rest of the dance. He kissed the top of my head.
____________________________________Super short chapter sorry! Wanted to give you something short but sweet, more coming soon! Thanks for reading!❤️

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