The Only Person

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My eyes immediately landed on Wanda, sitting up in her bed, Vision's hand on her back. Her face was blank, no anger, no sadness, just numb.
Nat and I slowly walked up to her.
"Hey Wanda," I said sweetly
"Can we talk with you?" Nat added
Vision got up, taking his time. He gave me a sweet smile.
"I'm sure you ladies can take it from here" he said calmly
I sat next to her carefully
"Do you want to talk?" Nat asked
Wandas face stay straight, she just looked down.
"If it's easier- Do you want me to. . ." I started
"Go ahead" Wanda replied quietly
That was her way of giving me permission to read her mind. It was a tornado of emotions. I saw glimpses of her childhood, her and Pietro watching old sitcoms. I saw him take care of her when she was sick. And then I saw something terribly saddening. I saw Pietro's body being carried away, lifeless and cold. I was able to read the message in her feeling and thoughts.
"She's silent because she's closed off," I started, "that's why she's quiet, no emotion, no vulnerability."
"I get that," nat said "what else?"
"She is trying to suppress the good memories, which makes sense, they cause her to be hopeful" I continued "hope can kill."
"Wanda you know we are here for you," nat stated "always right here."
"I know if sounds corny but we all have your back, this guys a fake we take him down, but if he's real-"
"Don't." Wanda snapped
"I just think-"
"When Pietro was taken away from me I lost my other half. The only person who can understand the pain and loss I've experienced. He was the one who held me when our parents died, the one who comforted me through the experiments, the only-" Wanda began to cry
I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest, as she cried nat rubbed her back.
"I don't want to have him, if I'm just going to lose him again." She got out
"We know, and that's why we are here. We will figure this out before he can hurt you." Nat replied
"We only want to see you happy and safe, but to insure that we need your help. We need to talk with him." I said
After a minute or two she began to wipe her tears, the gears in her head started turning and I could see her skin grow thicker. She sat up.
"Steve wants us in the conference room, when your ready of course," I said as calm as possible
"I will have you girls, I will have Vision. . ." Wanda spoke again
"Of course you will Wanda" nat replied
Wanda took a deep breath
"Then I'm ready"
"That was- quick"
"Quicker we figure this out the faster I can be at peace."
I could still see the subtle fear in her eyes but it was good that she was determined. She got up and went to the door. Vision was there when she opened it and she grabbed his hand. They began to walk and everyone followed. Wanda situation made me think hard about loss. I grabbed Bucky's hand holding him back for a minute. He looked at me confused, I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a loving kiss. His hands rested perfectly on my hips. I pulled away smiling as I looked into his eyes.
"Not that im complaining, but what was that for?" He asked
"Im just grateful for you smiles, don't know what I would do if I lost you." I answered
He grinned genuinely
"God I love you." He replied
He pulled me in for another quick kiss and then we made our way to the meeting.

__________________________________Thanks for reading!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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