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Everything happened so fast. Before I could stop Bucky he was stomping into the living room where Loki sat reading. He stood up as soon as he saw Bucky.
"It appears you have told your guard dog." Loki said looking at me.
Bucky walked right up to Loki and pushed him
"You think you have some magic spell cast on y/n?!" Bucky shouted
"No you imbecile! It's a prophecy!" Loki began to look more angry "if you can even wrap your dim witted head around that."
What was happening was not ok. Yes, it was extremely hot, but not ok. I had to step in.
"Will you guys stop?!" I yelled "this is stupid!"
They both looked at me and then turned straight back to each other.
"You may have the rest of the team fooled, but there is not a single part of me that trusts you. You better watch your back!" Bucky said getting louder
"My back? Do you realize how quickly I could have you dead you mewling quim, I am a god!"
Bucky punched him right in the face causing me to gasp. Loki took a step back reaching his hands to the sides, making daggers appear. I quickly grabbed Bucky and pushed him a side.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled as Sam and Steve ran in.
"I wasn't actually going to kill him flower, I just meant to put him in his place." He said smirking
"With knifes?!"
"Well yes I-"
"You need to stop! I don't think you understand, I don't like you! You may help us on this mission, but after that I want you gone!"
"Your outlook on this will change darling, I promise you that"
Bucky stepped forward again
"And I promise you a broken nose!" Bucky said in a deep voice.
"I will kick both your asses if you hurt each other! We all know I can take you both down!" I began to put them in their place "Bucky, we need him in one piece for this mission, and quite frankly I owe him for telling about my parents when you all decided to stay silent." I looked at everyone in the room "Loki, you think you can win me over, your wrong. But to even become my friend, you need to act like part of the team. Come after Bucky, I come after you. Got it?"
He shook his head once with a grin.
"See that's the powerful attitude I find so attractive." Loki said looking me up and down.
"THATS IT" Bucky shouted stomping towards Loki again.
Before he could make it to him I swept his leg causing him to fall on the floor.
"Did you not just hear what I said?" I spat out "you hurt him, I hurt you!"
"I would listen to your girlfriends rules, while she's still your girlfriend." Loki added with a grin
As a punishment for his idiotic comment, I threw my arm back and launched it forward hitting him square in the nose.
"I suggest we all listen to my rules, and play nice." I said finally strutting out of the room.
Footsteps followed behind me as I walked into my bedroom. Bucky flopped on my bed as I got changed.
"Someone is flustered," I said mischievously
"Well it doesn't exactly make my day when some creep comes after my girl." He said back in an angered voice
"Your what?"
"My girl!"
"Exactly! Your girl." I said climbing onto him as he laid on my bed, "Smiles, your the only one for me."
"I wish he knew that."
"You don't think that right hook was hard enough? You think he's still into me?" I joked
"I don't know, you better hit him again." He added
I leaned down and place a simple kiss on his lips.
"You have nothing to worry about, once we are done with the mission he's out of here." I got up to continue getting dressed. I took off my shirt leaving me in my sports bra and leggings. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
"What if we got out of here too?" He said holding me.
"Like a vacation?" I asked smiling
"Yeah, a trip, you and me."
"I can get on board with that." I said starting to kiss him again, "You know what I found really hot?"
"You being all protective and jealous. . . I know I probably shouldn't but it was very-"
He pushed me on the bed.
"I'll always be protective around you."
He lowered himself and leaned over me kissing me once again. Lifting his hand to the side of my face pushing my lips harder into his.
"You know- what I find- hot?" He spoke deeply in between kisses
"Everything about you."
Our bodies began to shift to get more comfortable as we kissed. And let's just say what happened next. . . Well it's a good thing we closed the door.
____________________________________Thanks for reading!❤️

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