Prove it

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We laid on the poolside chairs in a daze thinking about what had just happened. Kissing him was . . . Incredible, but what did it mean to him? And what would it mean for my place on the team?
"We can't, I mean we shouldn't tell anyone." I broke the silence
"Yeah-I-ok" He seemed concerned
"For now at least."
". . . O-ok"
The silence quickly returned, and thoughts rushed through my head. I loved the way he made me feel but was it worth the risk? Plus what if he feels differently? And Sam. . . It would kill Sam, and he means to much to me! I looked over at Bucky who looked sorta sad.
"Listen I don't want you to think I regret it, because I don't." I broke the silence again
"Neither do I doll" I could sense his smirk without looking at him, instead I just looked up at the ceiling.
"I just, I don't want this to be the thing that gets me on the bad side of everyone. I mean Steve probably wouldn't be thrilled, Natasha told me to stay focused, and Sam . . . He would probably explode!"
"I understand y/n, I do . . ." He turned on his side to look at me, "but I do care about you"
"But what if both of us are just overtired and. . . And the kiss was just a part of that."
"No, that's not why it happened." He seemed so sure
"How do you know?"
"Because its not the first time I've wanted to do it."
I just looked at him with a concerned look
"I know I'm not the only one who feels it doll" he spoke again
"Feels what?" I raised an eyebrow
"This thing between us, the weird . . . Connection"
"Buck. . ."
"Hey I'm not saying we should get hitched, I know we just met a little bit ago, but I care about you and I'm not one to go down without a fight"
"A fight?"
"Yeah, I want a date."
"And I know your not going to be sold on the idea, but I'll prove it to you," he shifted in the chair "prove I deserve a chance."
I smirked at him. On the inside I was screaming. I knew we had a connection. I knew it since the first time I had him in a headlock that he would be important in my life. But maybe I wanted to see him work for it, after all, I'm worth it! As long as it didn't interfere with the team, it's all good. Right?
"Whatever you say smiles," I started to get up.
"Where you going?" He sat up
"To bed. Maybe I can get an hour of shuteye before I have to wake up and learn about the mission."
I started walking away
"Just wait Y/n Y/l/n!" He said loudly as I opened the door, "I'll get to you!"
Thanks for reading ❤️

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