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The day had come. Thor had Loki. He was locked in a cell, ready for a conversation. Ready to see me again, the women he swore was his only way to happiness. Bucky and I had rehearsed a few things I could say but I was still uncertain about some things. Before meeting with him I sat at the kitchen table, Bucky stood facing me.
"I just-" I took a deep breath "No! I can do this, I just need to find my calm."
"You will be fine doll" Bucky tried to reassure me
"I have talked to criminals before Buck, I even talked to Borris, and I have never felt this nervous. I just don't feel like myself."
I put my face in my hands. I could hear Bucky's footsteps as my eyes were covered.
"I'm going to make you some tea. Your going to take a few more deep breaths, and then you are going to kick ass today. Your going to be your strong beautiful self, and together we are gonna get through this!" He spoke calmly
I peered up at him, using my hands to hold up my head.
"I guess that will work." I said giving a subtle smile
He filled the kettle with water and waited for it to heat up. I slowly stood up making my way to him. As I leaned on his firm chest his arms gradually wrapped around my body, instantly making me feel better. I took a deep breath once again.
"I love you smiles" I nestled my head into his chest
"I love you doll, so much"
We just stood there until the water became hot. After tea and some reassurance, we met up with Steve and Thor, who were supervising Loki. They made it clear that I only had to ask what I was comfortable with and that if at any point I needed a break I could take one. I simply nodded through what they had to say.
Bucky held my hand as we walked in. Nothing but steel bar separated a from the god of mischief. His black hair sent a jolt through my body, I almost forgot how dark and shadowless it seemed.
"Hello Loki" I said with a bit of confidence
"You brought your guard dog" Loki snarled back "are you not brave enough to talk to me alone?"
"Oh trust me, I am," I looked at Bucky signaling him to move "he's just going to observe quietly by the door. This is about you and me."
"You and me." He slightly laughed
"I just want some answers, and if you cooperate there may be away for me to get you better living conditions. I don't think you want to rot in a cell."
"How kind of you," he said sarcastically "A Midgardian may allow me a bigger room."
I new side of him was showing, he felt vulnerable so he was showing a hard exterior.
We were silent for a moment.
"Remember when you told me how you did everything in your power to impress you father?" I spoke again
"How could I forget that lovely conversation on the balcony?" He responded
"You told me your father favored Thor, but your mother, she cared about you no matter how hard you tried."
He didn't say anything
"I am not like Odin. I will not be impressed by your accomplishments in battle or by your witty attitude. I am impressed by your humanity. The way you set me free."
"Humanity?! I of all people lack that of humanity!"
"But you don't, you have shown me that yourself."
"I let you go, that is all. I am the one who captured you in the first place."
"You made a bad decision, you also fixed it. Why'd you let me go?" I looked into his eyes "there must be a reason."
"Why do you ask? Are you surprised I'm not as much of a monster as you first believed?!"
"Stop deflecting!"
"I let you go because-"
We stayed in silence for a moment I could tell he was debating the truth.
"Because you didn't want me." He finally spoke "you like everyone else in my life didn't want me as your burden."
"That-" I felt sorry for him "that's not true. . . I would have gotten to know you if the circumstances were different."
"Don't lie to me! I have given up on people who I believed are worth my time. I will focus on my true purpose, power!"
"The attack on New York was just the beginning. I will find a stronger army. One fit to obey me."
Bucky stepped forward
"And why tell her that? What do you gain?" Bucky spoke up
"Easier for me to tell her before she reads my mind." Loki responded
"Your giving up on people because they gave up on you?" I asked
I looked at Bucky who was clenching his jaw.
"I don't think you are giving up on people." I said
"What?" Loki looked at me confused
"Your not giving up on people, your just finding a new way to impress them."
"What are you-"
"You want to rule. To be in power. Why is that?"
"My burden is to be a king, to show the inferior my power."
"Exactly. To show people your power. You want them to be impressed by your strength, your wit, everything! You are falling back into the same routine you did as a child."
"Stop it! That's not the truth!"
"It is. You couldn't find the approval of Odin, so your finding a way to seek it from others."
"STOP!" Loki slammed his hands on the bars "you think you have me figured out?!"
"Yes. I do." I smirked finally regaining my edge again.
"Listen you low-"
"No you listen. I'm going to help you. I'm going to talk to Thor to figure somethings out. You just have to be patient. I know you put on this mask of cold heartedness, but deep down there is something warmer, so just wait. Come on Bucky."
I grabbed Bucky's hand and began to walk out. I could hear Loki screaming for me as the door shut. My confidence was back, and so was my clever thinking. I knew exactly how to fix this. A smirk grew on my face as I approached Thor.
"I'm going to need that prophecy."
____________________________________Thanks for reading!❤️

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