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I made my way to the combat room, which was filled with equipment. The huge room had giant windows on both the east and west walls. There was a mat on the floor and Steve stood in the middle of it.
"Time to break in the newbie" Sam said as he nudged me
"I'd like to see you try," I mischievously look back at him
"Y/n, on the mat" Steve commanded
"Whatever you say cap."
"Bucky on the mat"
Bucky reluctantly stepped on the mat and I gave a cocky look.
"Good luck man," Sam told Bucky knowing what was about to happen
"I can handle it," Bucky said shyly
"You sure smiles, remember what happened last time?"
"That was the winter soldier, this time you deal with me."
Steve stepped off the mat
"In position"
Bucky and I shifted
"Go" Steve said assertively
"Go ahead doll, throw the first punch" Bucky smirked
"You have me a nickname, so I thought I'd give you one."
"Look Steve I'm making friends already. . . To bad I'm going to kick my new friends ass."
"Wouldn't be the first time" Sam called out from the sidelines
"Throw a punch smiles"
He hesitated at first
His arm flew into the air and I caught his hand in mine.
"Nice form" I commented with a glare.
He seemed surprised. I used his hand to flip him but he landed on his feet. He tried to sweep my leg but I jumped.
"Got to be quicker than that!"
I could tell he was getting annoyed. He threw 5 more punches but I dodged all of them. Every move he had I was a step ahead. I eventually decided to sweep his leg leaving him on the ground.
Before he could get up I jumped on top of him pinning his arms down. He could have overpowered me but he decided not to. Our faces were very close to each other's.
"Looks like the winter soldier wasn't the only one who couldn't take me down."
I felt his hot breath as he panted underneath me.
He intensely stared into my eyes. I zoned out for a moment looking at his very defined facial features. He looked like he was sculpted by an artist who knew what they were doing. Any girl would melt in my situation but I wasn't going to break so easily, especially because I was the new girl. He was very handsome but I wasn't about jeopardize my new opportunity as an Avenger. I needed to focus on my job, not the very hot man I was sitting on. I quickly snapped out of it and got up. Bucky slowly got up.
"How did-"
"She's a mind reader dude," Sam started "she can tell what move your going to make before you do it."
Sam gave me a high five and I cockily smiles at Bucky.
"So much for breaking in the newbie"
____________________________________ if you like this go check out my TikTok: @_marvel_zodiacs_ ! Lots of Avenger stuff and images! Thanks for reading❤️

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