A Little Messy

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Though it was hard to get out of my new and extremely comfortable bed I decided it was probably a good idea. I put on some athletic leggings and a t-shirt and walked down to the kitchen.
"There she is" Sam yelled across the room "good morning sleeping beauty!"
"Good morning everyone," I smiled and sat down at the counter. Bucky, Wanda, and Steve sat while Sam made breakfast.
"I didn't know you could cook Sammie" he turned around to look at me
"I'm the best cook in this place!"
"Hmmm, I don't know, I make good pancakes. I bet all this taste like army food." I walked over to the stove, and all the food did look really good. The bacon was perfectly cooked and everything smelt amazing.
"Please Ms.I can do everything, make us some pancakes" he grabbed a bag of flour "but if they're not killer, then I'm the best cook in the house"
I grabbed a handful of flour and blew it on him
"Fine" I grinned.
His mouth opened as he realized what I did. I started laughing at the way he look.
"Nice look frosty" I said in between laughter
"I think it will look better on you" he grabbed the bag and dumped some on me.
"Samual Wilson!" I tried to act surprised but couldn't help but laugh. He started coming closer with the bag of flour so I ran around the counter. I ended up using Bucky as a shield.
"Sorry about this" I said ducking behind him "he's out for blood"
He just replied with a grin.
"Sam, if you want pancakes I need the flour," I tried to reason with him
"I'll put it down if you surrender"
"I don't surrender"
"Then I guess no pancakes"
I heard Wanda talk to Steve
"Are they always like this?"
"What? Acting like children?. . . Yes" Steve crossed his arms
"Do you want me-" she raised her right hand
"Yes please"
Wanda used her power to take the flour away from Sam and put in on the table.
"Can we have those pancakes now" Wanda asked with a smiles.
"Yeah . . ." I smirked at Sam who look ridiculous. He brushed off my shoulders.
"I definitely won that" he whispered as I started to cook
"We tied due to interference"
After finishing up the pancakes dressed like a snowmen, I let everyone try them. They were a hit. Sam could not claim the title as the best cook, which secretly made me happy. Steve told everyone he wanted to do some training so I took a quick shower and got ready for combat. It was time to show everyone how I fight.

____________________________________ chapters will get longer! Thanks for reading!❤️

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