Team Changing

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James Buchanan Barnes. That's it. Just him. He was perfect in every way. After my shower he could tell I was feeling a little flustered, so he grabbed me, sat me on my bed and grabbed my lotion.
"You ok doll?" He said putting some lotion on his hand
"Feeling a little-" I started
"Stressed." He finished my sentence as he got on his knees
He began to rub the lotion on my leg gently. He was trying to relax me. My legs dangled off the bed as his hands moved all around them. He was showing his caring side that I loved so much. I took a deep breath and he kissed my leg. He then moved to my arms and massaged them with the lotion as well. He was being so gentle and sweet. When he got to my hand he lifted it and kissed it looking into my eyes.
"I love you doll." He said confidently
"I love you buck," I responded "more than you know"
I gently placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him sweetly. He put his hand on the back of my neck and put his fingers in my hair. He deepened the kiss but kept it loving. I eventually pulled away from him.
"How did this happen?" I said grabbing his hand and looking into his big blue eyes.
"How did what happen?" He asked
"When I was in that factory. . . when I was going through all those test, I thought I would be alone forever. I thought no one would want someone with scars and- and damage . . . I thought people liked normal, and I was- am far from normal. . . And now I have you. A person who loves me more than anything- a person who would do anything for me. I just feel lucky!"  I smiled and looked down he lifted my chin with one finger. He was smiling ear to ear.
"you think I ever thought I'd be this happy? I still think I'm dreaming! I never expected to find anyone, and now I have a strong, beautiful, passionate women like you."  He stared deep into my eyes "You are my everything y/n!"
I kissed him again passionately.
"I love you."
"I love you-"
Sam burst through the door with no warning.
"He's here! Baldr, he's on earth!" Sam spat out
Bucky turned to me. My heart began to race but I had to keep my cool.
"Let's go." I said grabbing Bucky's hand and headed straight to the conference room.
Steve stood arms crossed at the head of the table. Nat stood next to him, and Wanda, vision, and the gods stood next to me, Sam and Bucky. We all looked at each other ready for next step.
"A high amount of energy has landed on earth, the only explanation is a god. Baldr. He's here." Steve started "I know this sounds dicey, but I have asked Loki and Thor's stance on how to move forward, they know this better than we do."
Bucky looked at me and then at Loki.
"They think it's best for us to divide into 2 teams," Steve started again "one will meet with Baldr directly, and the second will stand by for back up."
"Where is he?" I asked
"As of now, he's in London, laying low. There's no telling when he's gonna pounce, that's why we leave tonight."
Bucky grabbed my hand.
"Groups?" Asked Wanda
"Friday." Steve said
"Teams have been divided by strengths. Team A: Steve, Bucky, y/n, Thor. Team B: Wanda, Vision, Sam, Loki, Natasha. Clint Barton and Tony Stark are on stand by." Friday reported.
"That's wrong. . . I mean shouldn't I be with Thor, it would be easier to trust me if you knew he was with me." Loki explained suspiciously
"I guess, you will be switched to team A" Steve responded
"Wait hold up, I'm not with y/n!" Sam said
I grabbed his hand
"She doesn't need a babysitter, I'm sure she can handle herself." Loki spoke
Sam completely ignored him and turned to buck
"You're my eyes and ears Romeo." He said
Bucky nodded.
"We leave in an hour, go pack." Steve spoke moving closer to the door.
We all followed and separated into our rooms, I put on my tight combat suit and began to pack. I threw some things in my bag and headed to Sams room.
"Hey Sammie." I said getting on my knees helping him throw things in his bag.
"Hey, how stupid is it that we're not together?!" His voice showed irritation
"Yeah, I don't like it." I said agreeing
"I don't like that your with that Loki guy, you tell Bucky I want you back safe and sound!"
"You got it!" I grinned
I loved that my boys looked out for me, even when they got out of hand I knew it's out of love.
"You nervous?" He asked
"No, just ready to get it done." I responded
"That's my girl." He pulled me into a hug as we finished packing.
"Let's go."
Thanks for reading!❤️

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