Not Telling Anyone

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After 2 days in the infirmary I was able to go to my room. Laying in my bed was a breath of fresh air, so was the constant visits from the team. Everyone brought me food and try to make me laugh as much as possible. I tried to convince them that it wasn't a big deal but they were comforting. At night Bucky would come in and read to me. We were currently reading a mystery novel. He laid next to me and I put my head on his shoulder.
". . . And Kates bones were found at the bottom of the lake." He read
"It was definitely her ex husband!" I said eagerly
"No, it was her step daughter" he said "she wanted her dad back."
"But the ex husband lost all that money in the divorce, and he had history with anger issues!" I tried to convince him
"I love that."
"Love what?" I raised my eyebrow
"That sparkle in your eye you get when you think your right"
I smiled
"I'm always right!"
"Alright doll, whatever you say."
He grinned as he stared in my eyes.
"So when's my date smiles? I have been waiting for a week and still nothing."
"I prefer my dates not to have gunshot wounds, I don't want to be worried about you the whole time."
"We both know you will be worried about me no matter what."
"You know me too well doll," he started getting up "once your healed I will take you on our date."
"Where are you going?!"
"Girls night remember?"
"Oh, see you tomorrow?"
"Of course," he kissed the top of my head "night doll"
I was disappointed that he had to leave but I was excited to have a night with Natasha and Wanda. We have had a few movie nights, and they are always enjoyable. We watch some cheesy romance movie that we can all make fun of, it made me feel like a normal person for a few hours. The girls came in and got comfortable on my bed.
"What movie tonight?" I asked
"Some BS called 'the only one'" Nat said
"But first we have a question," Wanda grinned "what is happening with you and Bucky?"
"How did I know this conversation was coming?" I smirked
"We aren't telling anyone, but we are going on a date."
"So much for not telling anyone, I overheard Buck telling Steve" Nat smiled
"What?" I was kinda flattered
"That guy is crazy for you y/n. He's been different since you came here."
"Everyone has noticed it" Wanda added
I smiled then my mind went to Sam which made my smile fade
"Just don't tell Sam, I need to let him down slowly."
"Your secret is safe with us" Wanda added.
"Thanks, now let's start this crappy movie!"
We opened some candy and started the movie. We laughed the whole night, it was nice having my girls!

____________________________________Thanks for reading!❤️

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