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I woke up to Bucky places small kisses all around my face. As much as I wanted to keep sleeping, I couldn't be mad at him for waking me like that.
"Good morning beautiful." His voice was deep and groggy from sleep.
I didn't speak, I just softly placed my hand on his cheek and smiled.
"What are we doing today?" He asked moving hair out of my face.
"Sleeping more?" I suggested
"Come on doll, I just got you back!" His blue eyes looked into mine "trust me I like sleeping next to you, but I prefer you awake and moving."
I stretched a little bit.
"Breakfast?" I asked
"I can make you some, or we can go to that cafe in town." He responded
"I think it's cute when you try to be a chef, but I'm craving something not . . . Burnt." I smirked
"Wow! I see how it is Ms.y/l/n," he smiled at my mischievous remark "I guess we are going to the cafe then."
We both got up and hopped in the shower, Bucky claimed he wanted to save water because it's good for the environment, but the real reason was obvious. I had some of my clothes in his room that I changed into when we were finished, nothing fancy but he still made it a point to compliment how I looked. On our way to the car we passed Sam and Nat who were sitting on the couch.
"Where you crazy kids off to?" Nat asked smirking at us
"Breakfast, we are going to that cafe next to the bookstore." I responded
"Great I'm starving!" Sam said I he started to get off the couch.
Nat pulled on his arm
"They probably want alone time, that's normally what happens when your in a relationship." She said looking at him
"They get enough alone time!" He said "I'm hungry, and they are getting food!"
Sam smirked at Bucky who was not amused
"He's right Nat, you are both welcome to come. It would be nice to spend some time with you guys." I spoke with a smile
Bucky squeezed my hand as a "I don't want them to come" but I ignored him.
"Alright, but your buying" she said getting up
We all decided to get in the same car, Sam played DJ, and Nat drove. When we got there we were seated right away, and were served fairly quickly. Sam ate like he had been starved and talked with his mouthful.
"You nervous to talk to Loki?" Sam pushed more food in his mouth
"No, I'm just eager to get answers" I responded
Sam smiled
"I wasn't talking to you" he looked at Bucky
"No. I'm not." Bucky responded bluntly
"I'd be a little nervous! We don't even know if this guy's behind bars yet!"
"You know I used to think you were ok. . . now I don't understand why y/n likes you."
"He's kidding!" I said lightening the mood
Sam smirked knowing he got on Bucky's nerves.
"You think he's gonna play mind games?" Nat added
"If he does I'll just read his mind. I thought I'd be nice at first and stay out of his head, but after the whole kidnapping thing, I'm done."
"I would have knocked him out the second he had me"
"It all happened so fast."
Bucky placed his arm on my chair and looked into my eyes.
"I think what you did was amazing, I'm proud of you for finding your way home." Bucky said very lovingly
"Aw thank you smiles!" I grabbed his hand
"I think I just threw up a little bit." Sam teased
"Ha ha very funny," I started  "We need to find you a girl Sammie"
"Be my guest, if you can find me someone good, I'll give you and Bucky a taste of your own medicine!"
"Fine." I smiled at him "Nat, looking for a man?"
"No. Sorry. Not really my-" Nat started to speak
"Save it." Sam cut her off causing me and smiles to laugh
The rest of breakfast was nice, we were laughing the entire time. I loved being with my family again. I was comfortable with them, it was effortless. I drove on the way back. We tried to let Bucky be DJ but his job was quickly taken when he started playing swing music. He told us it was culture, Sam showed him real culture and put on Guns N' Roses. Sam and I rocked out. When we got back I went looking for Steve. I found him in the kitchen with Thor.
"Hey guys," I said happily "what are you guys up to?"
"Talking." Thor said simply
"Loki" Steve responded
"Oh, any word on him?" I asked grabbing a water
"We haven't found him yet, but we fear what he will do when we find him." Thor answered
"Why is that?"
"The last time Loki was somewhere he didn't want to be he jumped of the bifrost, leaving everyone to believe he was dead."
"And the next thing you know he was coming after earth." Steve added
"You think he's gonna go crazy again?" I crossed my arms
"We are unsure."
I thought about him. I knew he was a good person deep down. Yes he was clinically insane, but there was a way to talk him, the good part of him.
"I bet I could get him to be calm." I said
"Why do you believe that" Thor scrunched his eyebrows
"He thinks we have a connection, he listened to me in Asgard, he'd probably listen again."
The boys looked at each other
"It might work" Steve said "Once we find him, you can do an evaluation."
"Like a report?"
"Yeah, ask some questions, get him into the right state of mind. Than we give him back to Asgard for whatever punishment they see fit."
____________________________________Sorry for the late update! Thanks for reading!❤️

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